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This area allows you to search for and learn about artifacts published by the Sardis Expedition. Currently (2020) the database consists of artifacts in the exhibition and catalog “The Lydians and Their World” (Yapı Kredi Vedat Nedim Tör Museum, Istanbul, 2010); Judith Schaeffer, Nancy Hirschland Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr., Sardis M10: Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery; Jane Evans, Sardis M13: Coins from the Excavations at Sardis: Their Archaeological and Economic Contexts; Georg Petzl, Sardis M14: Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Part II: Finds from 1958 to 2017; G.M.A. Hanfmann ve N.H. Ramage, Sardis R2: Sculpture from Sardis: The Finds through 1975; and A. Ramage, N.H. Ramage, ve Gül Gürtekin-Demir, Sardis R8: Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis. In coming years we intend to add objects from other Sardis Reports and Monographs.

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  • Small, thin-walled bowl
    Small, thin-walled bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 20



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Thin-walled bowl with everted rim. Dark gray micaceous clay with large inclusions. Both interior and exterior heavily polished.

  • Gray Ware cup with handle
    Gray Ware cup with handle

    R8 Cat. HoB 21



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Slightly outward curving wall of cup. Dark reddish clay that has inclusions; gray on outside; silvery wash on exterior and interior, though much less on interior. Base of handle at carination at the bottom of cup’s side.

  • Cup or bowl with vertical handle
    Cup or bowl with vertical handle

    R8 Cat. HoB 22



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Coarse, buff fabric that is worn on exterior. Somewhat off-set vertical rim with slightly outward thickened, rounded lip. Stump of a vertical band handle remains at rim and body of vessel. Interior smoothed.

  • Gray Ware cup
    Gray Ware cup

    R8 Cat. HoB 23



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Elegant and delicate cup with slightly flaring walls. Lower portion only. Scar from lower join of handle. Silvery wash. Light in color.

  • Buff cup
    Buff cup

    R8 Cat. HoB 24



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Two joining fragments of buff cup. Groove under rim on exterior. Scar of handle.

  • Handle of a jug
    Handle of a jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 25



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Vertical band handle extends down from outwardly thickened rim. Grayish-brown micaceous clay.

  • Large trefoil jug
    Large trefoil jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 26



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Spout of large trefoil jug. Light reddish micaceous clay.

  • Trefoil jug
    Trefoil jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 27



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Trefoil jug rim, neck, and shoulder. Orangish-buff micaceous fabric. Part of the vertical band handle remains attached at the rim. Traces of a micaceous slip on exterior.

  • Open vessel with lug handle
    Open vessel with lug handle

    R8 Cat. HoB 28



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Vertical rim. Reddish-buff micaceous fabric with large pebble inclusions. Horizontal lug handle with vertical, perforated hole. Exterior is polished and interior is smoothed.

  • Scoop handle of bowl
    Scoop handle of bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 29



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Partial body, rim, and handle of shallow bowl. Orangish-buff with some mica. Round, vertical loop handle; two grooves at base, only one of which continues along the handle.

  • Cooking pot
    Cooking pot

    R8 Cat. HoB 30



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Many joining pieces of cooking pot with complete profile. Thinner walls and finer fabric than is usual for a cooking pot. Band handle from rim to belly, with finger depression at join with belly. Row of short diagonal slashes around lower neck. Light...

  • Wide-necked cooking pot
    Wide-necked cooking pot

    R8 Cat. HoB 31



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Handmade pot. Coarse reddish fabric with evidence of burning on the exterior. Handle scar at shoulder and at rim. Possibly for industrial use; white incrustation inside.

  • Band handle of cooking pot
    Band handle of cooking pot

    R8 Cat. HoB 32



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Band handle and partial body of a globular cooking pot. Reddish-buff micaceous coarse clay with gray core. A fine double ridge runs along the neck of the jar. Signs of burning on exterior.

  • One leg from a three-legged cooking bowl
    One leg from a three-legged cooking bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 33



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Coarse three-legged cooking bowl. Reddish-gray clay with large quartz inclusions and some mica. Preserved leg is crescent-shaped. Foot and bottom of bowl show extensive burning, and some burning also on interior of bowl.

  • Hammer-shaped loom weight
    Hammer-shaped loom weight

    R8 Cat. HoB 34

    Weaving Equipment


    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Loom weight lightly fired. Fabric is slightly micaceous. Temper: chaff. A hole pierced through, top to bottom. Bottom is slightly concave (missing a piece/eroded?). Uniform texture, more like mudbrick than pottery. Surface is powdery. Loom weight is ...

  • Bronze bead
    Bronze bead

    R8 Cat. HoB 35

    Jewelry and Ornaments

    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Small perforated bronze bead with a zigzag design on exterior. Flattened, top and bottom.

  • Bronze fibula
    Bronze fibula

    R8 Cat. HoB 36

    Jewelry and Ornaments

    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Fragment of a bronze bow fibula; part of clasp and bow preserved.

  • Iron knife blade
    Iron knife blade

    R8 Cat. HoB 37



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Heavily corroded blade of iron knife.

  • Bone toggle
    Bone toggle

    R8 Cat. HoB 38

    Bone and Ivory, Jewelry and Ornaments


    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Bone worked into a cylindrical shape that is narrower in the center than at the edges; a round hole through the middle. The ends are deeply indented. Entire surface smoothed. A crack on one side.

  • Thin-walled bowl
    Thin-walled bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 39



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Fragment of bowl with slightly inturned rim. Reddish clay. Exterior is gently ridged. Both exterior and interior have a micaceous wash.

  • Delicate bowl or cup with flat base
    Delicate bowl or cup with flat base

    R8 Cat. HoB 40



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Fragment of small, thin-walled bowl with a flat base. Micaceous wash on both exterior and interior. Concentric grooves on base suggest it was string or wire cut.

  • Small cup
    Small cup

    R8 Cat. HoB 41



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Base fragment of a cup with a low carination on wall and a flat base. Reddish-gray micaceous clay. On walls and base of the cup there is light combing/rouletting that runs at a diagonal. Exterior and interior smoothed.

  • Vessel rim with handle
    Vessel rim with handle

    R8 Cat. HoB 42



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Everted, thickened rim, flat on top. Reddish-orange micaceous clay with small inclusions. Stump of a handle that was attached to the rim separately.

  • Large vessel, everted rim
    Large vessel, everted rim

    R8 Cat. HoB 43



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Rim and upper body fragment of large open vessel. Orangish micaceous fabric. Rim everted and slightly slanting down. Paint not preserved.

  • Closed vessel with handle
    Closed vessel with handle

    R8 Cat. HoB 44



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Vertical handle, oval in section and smoothed into the body. Orangish-buff micaceous clay. Parallel incisions, as if fingernail marks, on the top surface of the handle near the body.