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This area allows you to search for and learn about artifacts published by the Sardis Expedition. Currently (2020) the database consists of artifacts in the exhibition and catalog “The Lydians and Their World” (Yapı Kredi Vedat Nedim Tör Museum, Istanbul, 2010); Judith Schaeffer, Nancy Hirschland Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr., Sardis M10: Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery; Jane Evans, Sardis M13: Coins from the Excavations at Sardis: Their Archaeological and Economic Contexts; Georg Petzl, Sardis M14: Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Part II: Finds from 1958 to 2017; G.M.A. Hanfmann ve N.H. Ramage, Sardis R2: Sculpture from Sardis: The Finds through 1975; and A. Ramage, N.H. Ramage, ve Gül Gürtekin-Demir, Sardis R8: Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis. In coming years we intend to add objects from other Sardis Reports and Monographs.

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Select a Sardis CATNUM from the list below. CATNUM is made up from object type, year, and sequential number. BI = Bone Implement; G = Glass; J = Jewelry; L = Lamp; M = Metal; NoEx = not excavated; Org = Organic; P = Pottery; S = Sculpture. Coins are numbered with the year of discovery and a running number, or year, C, and a running number. Currently (Feb. 2020) this doesn't give a complete list, only the first 99 entries; to find a specific CATNUM, please use the full-text search at the top of the page.

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Select a historical period from the (alphabetical) list below. Note that periods are defined culturally rather than politically, so Lydian (rather than Archaic) refers to the period ca. 800 BC - ca. 547 BC; Late Lydian or Persian (rather than Late Archaic or Classical) from ca. 547 until ca. 330 BC; Hellenistic until the earthquake of 17 AD; Roman and Late Roman continue until the early 7th century AD, except for coins where, as traditional, Prof. Evans begins the Byzantine period in the 6th century.

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Select a publication name from the list below. LATW = Lydians and Their World (2010). R2 = Hanfmann and Ramage, Sculpture from Sardis (1978). R8 = A. Ramage, N.H. Ramage, ve Gül Gürtekin-Demir, Sardis R8: Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis (2021). M10 = Schaeffer, Ramage, and Greenewalt, The Corinthian, Attic, and Pottery from Sardis (1997). M13 = Evans, Coins from the Excavations at Sardis, 1973-2013 (2018). M14 = Petzl, Sardis: Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Part II (2019).

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The stratigraphic contexts (findspots) of artifacts from Sardis are recorded at different levels of specificity. Sector is the most general, referring to a broad area of the city. Trenches are yearly excavation areas (in current usage) or more specific areas of sectors (in early records which used a different excavation system). A Locus is a single stratigraphic unit, i.e. a single deposit of soil, a destruction level, a grave, a dump or other deposit. For instance, MMS-I 84.1 Locus 34 is the destruction level from one room of a Lydian house just inside the fortification wall in sector MMS, containing a rich deposit of Lydian pottery and other artifacts. Note that loci can be continued over a number of years, and so belong to different trenches, if the same stratigraphic unit is excavated over a number of years. For a list of sectors see Hanfmann and Waldbaum, A Survey of Sardis and the Major Monuments Outside the City Walls (Sardis R1, 1975), 13-16. Currently (2020) in order to search for a specific locus, you must search for Trench first to narrow the results, and then search within that for the locus. Sorry.

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The stratigraphic contexts (findspots) of artifacts from Sardis are recorded at different levels of specificity. Sector is the most general, referring to a broad area of the city. Trenches are yearly excavation areas (in current usage) or more specific areas of sectors (in early records which used a different excavation system). A Locus is a single stratigraphic unit, i.e. a single deposit of soil, a destruction level, a grave, a dump or other deposit. For instance, MMS-I 84.1 Locus 34 is the destruction level from one room of a Lydian house just inside the fortification wall in sector MMS, containing a rich deposit of Lydian pottery and other artifacts. Note that loci can be continued over a number of years, and so belong to different trenches, if the same stratigraphic unit is excavated over a number of years. For a list of sectors see Hanfmann and Waldbaum, A Survey of Sardis and the Major Monuments Outside the City Walls (Sardis R1, 1975), 13-16. Currently (2020) in order to search for a specific locus, you must search for Trench first to narrow the results, and then search within that for the locus. Sorry.

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The stratigraphic contexts (findspots) of artifacts from Sardis are recorded at different levels of specificity. Sector is the most general, referring to a broad area of the city. Trenches are yearly excavation areas (in current usage) or more specific areas of sectors (in early records which used a different excavation system). A Locus is a single stratigraphic unit, i.e. a single deposit of soil, a destruction level, a grave, a dump or other deposit. For instance, MMS-I 84.1 Locus 34 is the destruction level from one room of a Lydian house just inside the fortification wall in sector MMS, containing a rich deposit of Lydian pottery and other artifacts. Note that loci can be continued over a number of years, and so belong to different trenches, if the same stratigraphic unit is excavated over a number of years. For a list of sectors see Hanfmann and Waldbaum, A Survey of Sardis and the Major Monuments Outside the City Walls (Sardis R1, 1975), 13-16. Currently (2020) in order to search for a specific locus, you must search for Trench first to narrow the results, and then search within that for the locus. Sorry.

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Showing 10632 results for:  
  • Silver Ram Pendant
    Silver Ram Pendant

    LATW Cat. 1

    Jewelry and Ornaments


    Ca. 2500-2000 BC (Early Bronze Age)

    Pendant in form of a ram. Elongated cylindrical body perforated just above stumps of forelegs. Cylindrical neck at oblique angle to body. Small head with rounded nose; horns in relief curve back and around on either side of head. Tiny tail points dow...

  • Pair of Gold “earplugs”
    Pair of Gold “earplugs”

    LATW Cat. 2-3

    Jewelry and Ornaments


    Ca. 2500-2000 BC (Early Bronze Age)

    Two bullet-shaped “earplugs,” made of sheets of argentiferous gold wrapped around a core of dark material. Conical terminal with hatched decoration; concave shaft with flat end. Tips pierced. Length 0.023 m; diameter of conical end 0.009 m.

  • Copper (Alloy?) Dagger
    Copper (Alloy?) Dagger

    LATW Cat. 4


    Copper, Bronze/Copper Alloy

    Ca. 2500-2000 BC (Early Bronze Age)

    Copper or copper alloy. Lozenge-shaped blade with rounded, perforated butt end and sharply tapered point. Widest part of blade nearest butt. Flattened lozenge-shaped section.

  • Cutaway-Spouted Jug
    Cutaway-Spouted Jug

    LATW Cat. 5



    Ca. 2500-2000 BC (Early Bronze Age)

    Round bottom, slightly globular body. Offset neck high and straight (almost vertical) in front, short and curved in back, with mouth at steep angle. Oval section handle attached via tenon. Tiny (0.0035 m) hole below right rear lug. Three pellets arou...

  • Small Tankard
    Small Tankard

    LATW Cat. 6



    Ca. 2500-2000 BC (Early Bronze Age)

    Flat bottom, ovoid body (flattened to one side), continuous concave neck, flaring rim with rounded lip. Two holes in rim, one on each side, above two lugs at maximum diameter. One lug pierced, one lug grooved. Two knobs at maximum diameter between lu...

  • Stone Idol
    Stone Idol

    LATW Cat. 7



    Ca. 2700-2000 BC (Early Bronze Age)

    White stone idol of flat, abstract form with rounded, shovel-shaped body, stump arms, projecting neck, and disc-shaped head. Arms are delineated from body by notches on the sides and shallow grooves at the clavicles, the only apparent alterations to ...

  • Copper (Alloy?) Adze
    Copper (Alloy?) Adze

    LATW Cat. 8


    Copper, Bronze/Copper Alloy

    (Early Bronze Age)

    Copper or copper alloy. Broad, flat blade, roughly trapezoidal in shape. Blade end wider and slightly rounded; butt end rectangular and narrower for hafting.

  • Copper (Alloy?) Dagger
    Copper (Alloy?) Dagger

    LATW Cat. 9


    Copper, Bronze/Copper Alloy

    Ca. 2500–2000 BC (Early Bronze Age)

    Copper or copper alloy. Long, lozenge-shaped blade with rounded butt end with no rivet hole and tapered point. Widest part of blade nearest haft.

  • Marble Stele of Atrastas
    Marble Stele of Atrastas

    LATW Cat. 10

    Sculpture, Inscription

    Marble, Stone

    520-500 BC (Hanfmann); 4th c BC (Bossert) (Late Lydian (Persian))

    Stele of white marble. Above, relief showing a man seated on a stool at a table, behind him an indistinct form that has been variously identified (standing child, Bossert; foreparts of a dog, Hanfmann). The man either has a disproportionately long ri...

  • Grave Stele from Haliller
    Grave Stele from Haliller

    LATW Cat. 11

    Sculpture, Inscription

    Marble, Stone

    Shortly after the middle of the 4th c BC (Late Lydian (Persian))

    At the top of the stele, “a local version of an anthemion finial of lyre-volute type. In place of the usual palmette is a schematic rendering of a bird in flight, with splayed wing feathers substituting for palmette leaves” (Roosevelt 2009, 261). Bel...

  • Relief from Gökçeler
    Relief from Gökçeler

    LATW Cat. 12


    Limestone, Stone

    Probably early fifth century BC (Late Lydian (Persian))

    “Brownish yellow chalky limestone. Figure stands on a 0.18 m high plinth to left in a long-sleeved, knee-length tunic and sandals, holding a flower bud forward in right hand and a bird at side in left hand. Hair in tight curls. Lips and eyes around i...

  • Sandstone Lion from Altar of Cybele, Pactolus North
    Sandstone Lion from Altar of Cybele, Pactolus North

    LATW Cat. 13


    Sandstone, Stone

    Ca. 570-560 BC (Lydian)

    One of two and one-half sandstone lion sculptures that were set up on the corners of the Altar of Cybele in the gold refining area at Sardis (Sector PN; see Greenewalt, “Gold and Silver Refining”). Lion on low plinth, open roaring mouth showing tongu...