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This area allows you to search for and learn about artifacts published by the Sardis Expedition. Currently (2020) the database consists of artifacts in the exhibition and catalog “The Lydians and Their World” (Yapı Kredi Vedat Nedim Tör Museum, Istanbul, 2010); Judith Schaeffer, Nancy Hirschland Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr., Sardis M10: Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery; Jane Evans, Sardis M13: Coins from the Excavations at Sardis: Their Archaeological and Economic Contexts; Georg Petzl, Sardis M14: Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Part II: Finds from 1958 to 2017; G.M.A. Hanfmann ve N.H. Ramage, Sardis R2: Sculpture from Sardis: The Finds through 1975; and A. Ramage, N.H. Ramage, ve Gül Gürtekin-Demir, Sardis R8: Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis. In coming years we intend to add objects from other Sardis Reports and Monographs.

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  • Gray Ware bowl
    Gray Ware bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 70



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Two joining fragments of rim, slightly everted, with horizontal lug handle. Handle is notched on both sides and perforated with an off-center vertical hole. Traces of silvery wash.

  • Pithos with incised mark and hole
    Pithos with incised mark and hole

    R8 Cat. HoB 71



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Shoulder fragment of a pithos. Red clay. Slight depression where the thickness of wall thins toward the neck. Two vertical incised lines and a trace of a third one on neck. A round hole was drilled through the wall.

  • Gray Ware bowl with lug handle
    Gray Ware bowl with lug handle

    R8 Cat. HoB 72



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Rim fragment of a shallow Gray Ware bowl, slightly carinated. Silvery wash. Horizontal lug handle perforated with vertical hole.

  • Brown on Buff krater with concentric semicircles
    Brown on Buff krater with concentric semicircles

    R8 Cat. HoB 73



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Body fragment of krater. Reddish-buff fabric with some mica. Brownish-black band with pendent concentric semicircles. Exterior polished, interior plain.

  • Bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 74



    Late Bronze Age (Late Bronze Age)

    Shallow bowl fragment with flaring rim. Pinkish-buff micaceous clay. Polished surface on exterior and interior.

    Late Bronze Age.

  • Brown on Buff cup
    Brown on Buff cup

    R8 Cat. HoB 75



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Small rim fragment of Brown on Buff cup. Exterior of rim has thin brown painted line. Interior, wider band along rim. Paint is slightly streaky.

    Mycenaean import?

  • Trefoil jug
    Trefoil jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 76



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Rim, handle, and shoulder of plain jug. Reddish fabric. Raised ridge at base of neck. Handle from rim to shoulder has round section and a knob at top and bottom. Neck made separately from body.

  • Carinated storage jar
    Carinated storage jar

    R8 Cat. HoB 77



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Fragment of the belly of a carinated storage jar. Dense purplish body with white slip on exterior; many small light-colored inclusions. Hard fired. Added coil at carination.

    Perhaps an import.

  • Pithos with incised chevron pattern
    Pithos with incised chevron pattern

    R8 Cat. HoB 78



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Rim of large storage vessel. Reddish-orange micaceous clay with gray core. Ledge rim; below, on neck, two raised bands flanking an incised chevron pattern.

  • Gray Ware jar with ridges
    Gray Ware jar with ridges

    R8 Cat. HoB 79



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Vertical neck of Gray Ware jar with ledge rim. Shallow, recessed groove on exterior below rim; four narrow raised ridges on neck. Light gray fabric with silvery wash is smoothed on exterior and interior, although much thinner on interior.

  • Carinated bowl
    Carinated bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 80



    Late Bronze Age (Late Bronze Age)

    Small shallow carinated bowl with everted rim. Fine buff micaceous clay. Rim is much thinner-walled than the rest of the vessel. Cf. HoB 82.

    Late Bronze Age.

  • Streaked and banded bowl
    Streaked and banded bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 81



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Base and part of wall of a streaked and banded bowl. Buff fabric. Streaked brownish-black with darker bands on exterior. Signs of secondary burning on the interior and exterior.

    Perhaps an import based on the color of the paint (iron, not manganese).

  • Buff Ware bowl
    Buff Ware bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 82



    Late Bronze Age (Late Bronze Age)

    Rim of a plain Buff Ware carinated bowl with everted rim. Fine textured fabric. Above the carination, the rim is much thinner than the wall of the bowl. Cf. HoB 80.

    Late Bronze Age.

  • Buff Ware bowl
    Buff Ware bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 83



    Late Bronze Age (Late Bronze Age)

    Rim of plain Buff Ware bowl. Outwardly thickened, flaring rim with lip narrowing to the top. Slipped on interior for a very smooth finish.

    Late Bronze Age.

  • Buff Ware cup or bowl
    Buff Ware cup or bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 84



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Rim of Buff Ware cup or bowl. Slightly offset, everted rim, painted on interior and exterior with a brownish-black band.

  • Buff Ware jar
    Buff Ware jar

    R8 Cat. HoB 85



    Late Bronze Age (Late Bronze Age)

    Everted, flat ledge rim. Micaceous buff fabric.

    Late Bronze Age.

  • Early Lydian cup (?)
    Early Lydian cup (?)

    R8 Cat. HoB 86



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Vertical band handle and part of the rim of a Protogeometric cup (?). Buff clay with noticeable inclusions. Everted rim. Remains of worn, brownish-black paint on interior and exterior. Traces of narrow pendent concentric semicircles at left of handle...

  • Imported Protogeometric cup
    Imported Protogeometric cup

    R8 Cat. HoB 87



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Slightly everted flat rim of cup. Creamy slip on exterior with pendent semicircles in dark red below a broad band of the same color on and below the rim. Interior wet-smoothed and wheel marked.

  • Clay basin of breadtray fabric
    Clay basin of breadtray fabric

    R8 Cat. HoB 88



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    A fragment, part of the base and wall, of a straight-edged clay basin with a thick vertical wall and thick, flat base. Medium-hard breadtray fabric with large pebble inclusions. Interior somewhat smoothed but exterior is very uneven. Cf. HoB 217.

  • Brown on Buff jug
    Brown on Buff jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 89



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Shoulder fragment of a jug. Reddish-brown micaceous clay. Horizontal wavy line above a smaller horizontal wavy line bordered below by another horizontal line. Exterior polished.

  • Buff Ware jug with incised decoration
    Buff Ware jug with incised decoration

    R8 Cat. HoB 90



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Shoulder and stub vertical band handle of large Buff Ware jug. Shallow groove at neck. Variegated hatching incised in opposite directions in registers to create zigzags on handle. Also a row of incisions on each side of the handle. Interior buff. Ext...

  • Buff Ware bowl
    Buff Ware bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 91



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Fragment of small bowl with delicate everted rim. Buff, fine micaceous clay. Micaceous wash on polished exterior.

  • Bowl or cup
    Bowl or cup

    R8 Cat. HoB 92



    Late 9th c (Early Lydian)

    Small bowl or cup with everted rim. Buff fabric. Small ridge runs along the top of the shoulder of the vessel. Thick purple-black band on exterior of rim; the band does not run evenly. On body, two parallel wavy lines with evidence of a third straigh...

  • Bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 93



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Body fragment of carinated bowl with everted rim. Orangish-buff micaceous clay. Exterior, streaky brown bands. Interior, streaky dark brown. Interior and exterior smoothed. Found with HoB 94 and HoB 92.

  • Large jug, possibly imported
    Large jug, possibly imported

    R8 Cat. HoB 94



    Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)

    Fragment of a shoulder of a jug. Thick-walled reddish-buff fabric with a heavy concentration of grainy, dark inclusions. On exterior, horizontal black band with red band below. Smoothed on exterior, but not polished.