R2 Cat. 78
Marble, Stone
Ca. 120 AD? (Roman)
The portrait shows a lady wearing a diadem and a veil which hangs down on both sides of the head in several folds. The back of the veil is only very roughly worked, suggesting that the piece was intended for display against a wall.
The piece is mounte...
R2 Cat. 79
Marble, Stone
2nd C. AD (Roman)
In the top of the head is a lozenge-shaped cutting ca. 0.20 by 0.12, ca. 0.04 deep, done with oblique strokes of large point. The “dowel” hole may be for insertion of rough stone peg, irregularly tapering downward from 0.065 at top to 0.025 at bottom...
R2 Cat. 80
Marble, Stone
Ca. 140 AD (Roman)
Inside chiseled in curve and rough-pointed to fit a core or another piece. The plastic mass of locks rises ca. 0.12-0.15 above original skin line. Abundant use of whirling drill pattern, deeply drilled and gouged holes, circular and triangular.
F. Pra...
R2 Cat. 81
Marble, Stone
2nd C. AD (Roman)
As E. Gombosi pointed out, this is the l. back part of the head, as indicated by the direction of the locks. Zone of locks above diadem is worked only with chisel; diadem shows claw chisel in some places. Below diadem strongly raised locks with much ...
R2 Cat. 82
Marble, Stone
2nd C. AD (Roman)
Part of l. hand with stumps of the little, the fourth and the third fingers, bent as if grasping an attribute. Fine veins are indicated by angular rises under the skin. Position of the hand will fit a scepter or lance; cf. of the hand of the colossus...
R2 Cat. 83
Marble, Stone
2nd C. AD (Roman)
According to E. H. Kohler, anthropologist for the expedition in 1961, the piece comprises the lower portion of the knee to part way down the calf.
Fragments Cat. 80, Cat. 81, Cat. 82, Cat. 83, Cat. 84, Cat. 85, Cat. 86 and Cat. 87 (Figs. 198-200) may...
R2 Cat. 84
Marble, Stone
2nd C. AD (Roman)
The piece is possibly part of an arm or thigh.
Fragments Cat. 80, Cat. 81, Cat. 82, Cat. 83, Cat. 84, Cat. 85, Cat. 86 and Cat. 87 (Figs. 198-200) may belong to the colossal statue of Antoninus Pius (Cat. 79 Figs. 196-197) and date to ca. A.D. 140.
R2 Cat. 85
Marble, Stone
2nd C. AD (Roman)
The preserved surfaces of the rounded segment are highly polished. The finish resembles that of Antoninus Pius.
Fragments Cat. 80, Cat. 81, Cat. 82, Cat. 83, Cat. 84, Cat. 85, Cat. 86 and Cat. 87 (Figs. 198-200) may belong to the colossal statue of A...
R2 Cat. 86
Marble, Stone
2nd C. AD (Roman)
The preserved surface shows a hollow between two parts of the chest or shoulder blades or spine. The finish resembles that of the Antoninus Pius statue.
Fragments Cat. 80, Cat. 81, Cat. 82, Cat. 83, Cat. 84, Cat. 85, Cat. 86 and Cat. 87 (Figs. 198-20...
R2 Cat. 87
Marble, Stone
2nd C. AD (Roman)
The fragment shows the join at a right angle of two nude rounded large parts. According to F. Prascsaits of the Ephesus Expedition, this is part of abdomen and part of upper l. thigh which is at right angle to body. This would be conclusive proof tha...
R2 Cat. 88
Marble, Stone
2nd C. AD (Roman)
The slightly aquiline, wide nose has a deeply cut nostril. The eye corner is separated from lower lid by chiseled ledge. Lower lid goes without interruption into the cheek.
If the fragment belonged to the head of Antoninus, the wrinkle leading down fr...
R2 Cat. 89
Marble, Stone
This fragmentary head was a portrait of a young woman. The brow is made by a sharp angle, yet implies the bone structure beneath, particularly near the temples. The eyes are well modeled, with a flesh-like upper lid and a fold between lid and brow. T...