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This area allows you to search for and learn about artifacts published by the Sardis Expedition. Currently (2020) the database consists of artifacts in the exhibition and catalog “The Lydians and Their World” (Yapı Kredi Vedat Nedim Tör Museum, Istanbul, 2010); Judith Schaeffer, Nancy Hirschland Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr., Sardis M10: Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery; Jane Evans, Sardis M13: Coins from the Excavations at Sardis: Their Archaeological and Economic Contexts; Georg Petzl, Sardis M14: Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Part II: Finds from 1958 to 2017; G.M.A. Hanfmann ve N.H. Ramage, Sardis R2: Sculpture from Sardis: The Finds through 1975; and A. Ramage, N.H. Ramage, ve Gül Gürtekin-Demir, Sardis R8: Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis. In coming years we intend to add objects from other Sardis Reports and Monographs.

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Showing 22301 results for:  
  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1/2 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1/2 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 158.0003


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    65 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of mature Herakles r. ΕΠΙ ΤΙ ΜΝΑCEΟΥ CΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ; Reverse: Nike l. with wreath and palm CЄBACTH.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1/2 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1/2 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 158.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    65 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of mature Herakles r. ΕΠΙ ΤΙ ΜΝΑCEΟΥ CΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ; Reverse: Nike l. with wreath and palm CЄBACTH.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 159.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    65 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. ΘЄΟΝ CYΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ; Reverse: Zeus Lydios standing ЄΠΙ ΤΙ ΜΝΑCЄΟΥ CΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 160.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    10 BC - 65 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. bare illegible legend; Reverse: Zeus Lydios standing illegible legend.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1/2 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1/2 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 161.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    10 BC - 65 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. bare illegible legend; Reverse: illegible.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 162.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    70 AD - 73 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of Athena in helmet r. ЄΠI TI KΛΑ(Υ) ΦΙΛ(Є)ΙΝΟΥ CTPA; Reverse: Tetrastyle temple with seven stars in pediment CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ ΜΑΡΚЄΛΛΟΥ to l. ligatured TO, to r. B, in ex. ΕΠΙ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 163.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    70 AD - 73 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of Athena in helmet l. ЄΠI TI KΛΑ(Υ) ΦΙΛ(Є)ΙΝΟΥ CTPA; Reverse: Tetrastyle temple, nothing in pediment CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ ΜΑΡΚЄΛΛΟΥ to l. ligatured TO, to r. B, in ex. ΕΠΙ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 163.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    70 AD - 73 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of Athena in helmet l. ЄΠI TI KΛΑ(Υ) ΦΙΛ(Є)ΙΝΟΥ CTPA; Reverse: Tetrastyle temple, nothing in pediment CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ ΜΑΡΚЄΛΛΟΥ to l. ligatured TO, to r. B, in ex. ΕΠΙ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 164.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    75 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Dionysos r. ЄΠΙ ΦΛ ЄΙCΙΓΟΝΟΥ; Reverse: Zeus Lydios standing CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ CTPA (ligatured).

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1/2 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1/2 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 165.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    75 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of young Herakles r. laur. with lionskin CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ; Reverse: Herakles standing l. with club and lionskin CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ in wreath.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 166.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    70 - 80 AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. IЄPA CYNΚΛΗΤΟC; Reverse: Tetrastyle temple CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 166.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    70 - 80 AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. IЄPA CYNΚΛΗΤΟC; Reverse: Tetrastyle temple CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 167.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    79 AD - 81 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. laur. cuir. ΤΙΤΟ...ΟΡΟΣ; Reverse: Emperor sacrificing at altar EΠΙ Τ ΦΛ ΕICIΓONΟΥ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 168.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    81 AD - 96 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. laur. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAP CЄBACTOC ΓЄPMANIKOC; Reverse: Minerva seated l., resting l. hand on shield and holding victory in r. ЄΠΙ T ΦΛ ΜЄΤΡΟΔΩΡΟΥ CΤ ΤΟ Β CΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 169.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    80 AD - 100 AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. dr. IЄPA CYNKΛΗTOC; Reverse: Demeter standing veiled, holding poppies in r. hand and scepter in l. CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 169.0003


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    80 AD - 100 AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. dr. IЄPA CYNKΛΗTOC; Reverse: Demeter standing veiled, holding poppies in r. hand and scepter in l. CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 169.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    80 AD - 100 AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. dr. IЄPA CYNKΛΗTOC; Reverse: Demeter standing veiled, holding poppies in r. hand and scepter in l. CAPΔΙΑΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 170.0003


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    End of the first - beginning of 2nd century AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. dr. IЄRA CYNΚΛΗΤΟC; Reverse: Hexastyle temple CAPΔIANΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 170.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    End of the first - beginning of 2nd century AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. dr. IЄRA CYNΚΛΗΤΟC; Reverse: Hexastyle temple CAPΔIANΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 170.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    End of the first - beginning of 2nd century AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. dr. IЄRA CYNΚΛΗΤΟC; Reverse: Hexastyle temple CAPΔIANΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 170.0004


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    End of the first - beginning of 2nd century AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. dr. IЄRA CYNΚΛΗΤΟC; Reverse: Hexastyle temple CAPΔIANΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 171.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    112 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. MARKIA CEBACTH; Reverse: Pelops on horseback galloping r. CΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ ΠΕΛΟΨ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 172.0003


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    112 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. ΠΛΩΤЄΙΝΑ CЄΒΑCΤΗ; Reverse: Pelops on horseback galloping r. CAPΔΙΑNΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 172.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    112 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. ΠΛΩΤЄΙΝΑ CЄΒΑCΤΗ; Reverse: Pelops on horseback galloping r. CAPΔΙΑNΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 172.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    112 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. ΠΛΩΤЄΙΝΑ CЄΒΑCΤΗ; Reverse: Pelops on horseback galloping r. CAPΔΙΑNΩΝ.