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This area allows you to search for and learn about artifacts published by the Sardis Expedition. Currently (2020) the database consists of artifacts in the exhibition and catalog “The Lydians and Their World” (Yapı Kredi Vedat Nedim Tör Museum, Istanbul, 2010); Judith Schaeffer, Nancy Hirschland Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr., Sardis M10: Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery; Jane Evans, Sardis M13: Coins from the Excavations at Sardis: Their Archaeological and Economic Contexts; Georg Petzl, Sardis M14: Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Part II: Finds from 1958 to 2017; G.M.A. Hanfmann ve N.H. Ramage, Sardis R2: Sculpture from Sardis: The Finds through 1975; and A. Ramage, N.H. Ramage, ve Gül Gürtekin-Demir, Sardis R8: Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis. In coming years we intend to add objects from other Sardis Reports and Monographs.

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Showing 22301 results for:  
  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Ephesus
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Ephesus

    M13 Cat. 118.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    198 AD - 250 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. laur. dr. [...]Α[...]ΟC; Reverse: Artemis r. drawing bow or pulling arrow from quiver; at feet, hunting dog [...ΝЄΩΚ]Ο-PΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Metropolis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Metropolis

    M13 Cat. 119.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    198 AD - 211 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. laur. [...]ΩΝЄΙ[...]; Reverse: Emperor standing holding spear ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛЄITΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Metropolis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Metropolis

    M13 Cat. 120.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    253 AD - 268 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr., behind, crescent CAΛΩΝ ΧΡVCOΓΟΝΗ CЄΒA; Reverse: Tyche standing with armed emperor ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛЄΙΤΩΝ ΤΩΝ ЄΝ ΙΩΝΙΑ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Phocaea
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Phocaea

    M13 Cat. 121.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    244 AD - 249 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of Tyche r. turreted ΦΩΚΕΑ; Reverse: Galley with caps of Dioskouroi over top ΦΩΚΑΙΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Phocaea
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Phocaea

    M13 Cat. 121.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    244 AD - 249 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of Tyche r. turreted ΦΩΚΕΑ; Reverse: Galley with caps of Dioskouroi over top ΦΩΚΑΙΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 122.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    37 AD - 38 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. laur. ΓAION KAICAPA ΓЄRMANIKON ЄΠI AOΥIOΛA; Reverse: Head of Germanicus confronting bust of Agrippina ΓЄRMANIKON AΓPIΠΠЄINAN Z (retrograde)MΥΡNAIΩN MHNOΦANHC.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 123.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    54 AD - 59 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of Nero r. laur. confronting bust of Agrippina, NЄPΩΝΑ ΣЄΒΑΣΤΟΝ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑΝ ΣЄΒΑΣΤΗΝ; Reverse: Winged Nemesis advancing r. holding caduceus, snake at foot, uncertain legend.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 124.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    54 AD - 59 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of Senate r. ΘЄΟΝ CΥΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ ΖΜΥ; Reverse: Flattened and obscured by graffito of lion.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 125.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    77 AD - 78 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. laur. TITOC AYTOKPATΩΡ ΚΑΙCΑΡ; Reverse: Herakles standing holding kantharos, club and lionskin ITAΛΙΚΩ ΑΝΘΥ ΙΟYΛΙΑC ΑΓΡΩN ΖΜΥΡ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 4 Assaria of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 4 Assaria of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 126.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    138 AD - 141 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. laur. […]AIΛΙΟC ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟC; Reverse: Cybele enthroned l. with tympanum and patera, lion at feet ΕΠΙ C ΡΟΥΦЄΙΝΗC ΦΟΥCΚΟΥ ΘΥ, in ex. CΜΥΡ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 127.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    First or second century AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of Dionysos (?) r. with low bun and one lock trailing down neck, wreathed?; behind head, l. to r. vertically, A?MEΩΝ; Reverse: Amphora with upright handles, to r. NMYP and to l. top down IΑΝΩΝ, vertically.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 128.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    175 AD - 200 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of Tyche r. turreted CMYPN[…]; Reverse: Winged Nemesis l. CMYPNAIΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 3 Assaria of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 3 Assaria of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 129.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    198 AD - 202 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. laur. cuir. AVT K M AVP ANTΩΝЄΙΝΟC; Reverse: Victory crowning emperor, who holds scepter and patera over flaming altar ЄΠΙ CΤΡ Κ ΡΟYΦINAI, in ex. CMYP.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 130.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    241 AD - 244 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. ΦΟΥΡ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛЄΙΝΑ C; Reverse: Hercules standing with kantharos and club CMΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ Γ-NЄΩΚΩΡΟΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Smyrna
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Smyrna

    M13 Cat. 130.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    241 AD - 244 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. ΦΟΥΡ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛЄΙΝΑ C; Reverse: Hercules standing with kantharos and club CMΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ Γ-NЄΩΚΩΡΟΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Teos
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Teos

    M13 Cat. 131.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    Third century AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Turreted bust of young Dionysos r., thyrsos over shoulder TEΩC on r. moving down; Reverse: Dionysos facing, pouring from kantharos, holding thyrsos CTP AYP ЄPMOΓЄNOYTHIΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Antioch on the Meander
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Antioch on the Meander

    M13 Cat. 132.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    238 AD - 268 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. IЄPA CYN KΛΗΤΟC; Reverse: Tyche standing l., holding rudder in r. hand and cornucopia in l. ANTIOXЄΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Acrasus
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Acrasus

    M13 Cat. 133.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    193 AD - 211 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. laur. ΑY ΚΑ Λ C CЄΟYHPOC; Reverse: Asklepios resting on serpent-staff ΑΚΡΑCΙΩΤΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Apollonis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Apollonis

    M13 Cat. 134.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    69 AD - 125 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of young Senate r. ΘЄΟΝ CYΝΚΛΗΤΟΝ; Reverse: Bust of Apollo? r. ΑΠΠΟΛΛΩΝ(retrograde)ΙΔЄΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Attalea
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Attalea

    M13 Cat. 135.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    Late second to third century AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of Dionysos r. wreathed in ivy, no legend; Reverse: Pan advancing l. with pedum over shoulder and grapes in r. hand ΑΤΤΑΛЄΑΤΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Dioshieron
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Dioshieron

    M13 Cat. 136.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    27 BC - 37 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. laur. of Augustus? ΣEBAΣΤΟΣ; Reverse: Head of Zeus r. laur. ΔΙΟΣΙΕΡΙΤΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Dioshieron
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Dioshieron

    M13 Cat. 137.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    100 AD - 200 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Turreted bust of Tyche r. ΠΟΛΙC; Reverse: Reclining river god holding reed and resting on vase from which water flows ΔΙΟCΙΕ Ex: PE(IT)(Ω)[N.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Gordus Julia
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Gordus Julia

    M13 Cat. 138.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    193 AD - 250 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of mature Herakles r. no legend; Reverse: Telesphoros facing ΙΟYΛΙЄ ΓΟΡΔΗΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Hyrcanis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Hyrcanis

    M13 Cat. 139.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    50 AD - 100 AD? (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of Senate r. laur. IЄPACΥΝ KΛΗΤΟC; Reverse: River god recumbent, with cap?, horizontal reed YPKANΩN (ΕΠΙ Μ?), in ex. BETTIO in mirror image.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Mostene
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Mostene

    M13 Cat. 140.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    50 AD - 54 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Jugate head and bust of Claudius and Agrippina laur. r. ΤΙΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΝ ΚΑΙCΑΡΑ ΘЄΑΝ AΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑΝ; Reverse: Rider on horse carrying labrys ЄΠΙ ΠЄΔΑΝΙΟΥ KAΙCΑPЄWΝ ΜΟCΤΗΝWΝ.