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This area allows you to search for and learn about artifacts published by the Sardis Expedition. Currently (2020) the database consists of artifacts in the exhibition and catalog “The Lydians and Their World” (Yapı Kredi Vedat Nedim Tör Museum, Istanbul, 2010); Judith Schaeffer, Nancy Hirschland Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr., Sardis M10: Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery; Jane Evans, Sardis M13: Coins from the Excavations at Sardis: Their Archaeological and Economic Contexts; Georg Petzl, Sardis M14: Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Part II: Finds from 1958 to 2017; G.M.A. Hanfmann ve N.H. Ramage, Sardis R2: Sculpture from Sardis: The Finds through 1975; and A. Ramage, N.H. Ramage, ve Gül Gürtekin-Demir, Sardis R8: Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis. In coming years we intend to add objects from other Sardis Reports and Monographs.

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  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 2 Assaria of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 2 Assaria of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 200.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    238 AD - 244 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. laur. cuir. AYT K M ANT ΓΟPΔΙΑΝΟC; Reverse: Wreath enclosing bucranium and torch EΠΙ PΟVΦЄINOV CAΡΔΙΑΩΝ B ΝЄΩΚΟΡ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 2 Assaria of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 2 Assaria of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 201.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    238 AD - 244 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. laur. cuir. AVT K M ANT ΓΟPΔΙΑΝΟC; Reverse: Zeus Lydios holding eagle and scepter CΑΡΔIAΝΩΝ Β ΝЄΩΚΟΡΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 2 Assaria of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 2 Assaria of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 202.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    238 AD - 244 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. laur. cuir. AVT K M ANT ΓΟPΔΙΑΝΟC; Reverse: Tyche standing holding cornucopiae and rudder CΑΡΔIAΝΩΝ Β ΝЄΩΚΟΡΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 2 Assaria of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 2 Assaria of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 202.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    238 AD - 244 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. laur. cuir. AVT K M ANT ΓΟPΔΙΑΝΟC; Reverse: Tyche standing holding cornucopiae and rudder CΑΡΔIAΝΩΝ Β ΝЄΩΚΟΡΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 203.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    238 AD - 244 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. ΦOYP TPANΚYΛΛЄΙΝΑ CΑ; Reverse: Mên with pinecone and scepter CAPΔIANΩN B NЄΩKOPΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 1/2 Assaria of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 203.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    238 AD - 244 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. ΦOYP TPANΚYΛΛЄΙΝΑ CΑ; Reverse: Mên with pinecone and scepter CAPΔIANΩN B NЄΩKOPΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 204.0003


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    244 AD - 249 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. M IOYΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠOC; Reverse: Zeus Lydios, Dionysos or Tyche standing CΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ Β NEΩΚΟΡΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 204.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    244 AD - 249 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. M IOYΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠOC; Reverse: Zeus Lydios, Dionysos or Tyche standing CΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ Β NEΩΚΟΡΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy 1 Assarion of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 204.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    244 AD - 249 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. M IOYΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠOC; Reverse: Zeus Lydios, Dionysos or Tyche standing CΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ Β NEΩΚΟΡΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Tabala
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Tabala

    M13 Cat. 205.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    193 AD - 217 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. ΙΟΥΛΙΑ CЄΒΑCΤΗ; Reverse: Cybele enthroned with lion at feet, ΤΑΒΑΛЄΩΝ.

  • Roman Imperial Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis
    Roman Imperial Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Sardis

    M13 Cat. 206.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    138 AD - 192 AD (Roman Imperial)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of mature Herakles r. laur., no legend; Reverse: Eagle with head turned back ΘΑΥΤΑΕΙΡΗΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Thyateira
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Thyateira

    M13 Cat. 207.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    218 AD - 222 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. laur. AYTK MA ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟC; Reverse: Roma Nikephoros seated l. with shield and spear ΘYATЄIPH in ex: NΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Thyateira
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Thyateira

    M13 Cat. 208.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    222 AD - 256 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust or Tyche r. dr. turreted ΘΥATЄIΡA; Reverse: Homonoia standing ΘΥΑΤЄΙΡΗΝΩΝ.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Tralles
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Tralles

    M13 Cat. 209.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    253 AD - 260 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. laur. cuir. ΑYΤ Κ ΠΟΛΙΚΙΝΙΟC ΒΑΛЄΡΙΑΝΟC; Reverse: Tyche standing EΠI (ligatured) Γ P (ligatured) ΚΛ ΜЄΝΙΠΠΟN ΤΡΑΛΛΙΑ in ex. NΩN.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Appia
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Appia

    M13 Cat. 210.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    244 AD - 249 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust r. dr. Μ ΙΟYΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC AV; Reverse: Tyche standing l., holding rudder and cornucopiae ЄΠ ΑΝΤЄΡΩΤΟC ΑΡΑΠΠΙAΝΩN .

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Peltai
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Peltai

    M13 Cat. 211.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    193 AD - 213 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of youthful Caracalla r. rad. M AY ANTupside-down omegaNЄINOC; Reverse: Tyche standing holding rudder and cornucopiae ΠЄΛΤHNΩN CTP TATAPIΩNOC.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Termessos Major
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Termessos Major

    M13 Cat. 212.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    238 AD - 268 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head of Zeus r. laur. ΤΕΡΜΗCCΕΩΝ; Reverse: Solymus seated l. on throne AYTΟNOMΩN Ex: N.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Prymnessos?
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Prymnessos?

    M13 Cat. 213.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    Second or third century AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of Senate r. laur. behind head [θ]ΕΟΝ C-[ΥΝΚΛ]ΤΟΝ, squared letters; Reverse: Cybele enthroned with two lions at feet, legend obscure Π(Ρ)-VΜΝ-HCC[OC]?.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Termessos Minor?
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Termessos Minor?

    M13 Cat. 214.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    17 AD - 37 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. bare; Reverse: Galloping horse r. [...]OI?[...] below.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Pompeiopolis (Soli)
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin of Pompeiopolis (Soli)

    M13 Cat. 215.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    161 AD - 169 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Bust of Aurelius confronting bust of Verus [...]ANT[...]; Reverse: worn smooth.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin

    M13 Cat. 216.0001


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    27 BC - 14 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. bare; Reverse: worn smooth.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin

    M13 Cat. 216.0002


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    27 BC - 14 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. bare; Reverse: worn smooth.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin

    M13 Cat. 216.0003


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    27 BC - 14 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. bare; Reverse: worn smooth.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin

    M13 Cat. 216.0005


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    27 BC - 14 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. bare; Reverse: worn smooth.

  • Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin
    Roman Bronze/Copper Alloy Coin

    M13 Cat. 216.0004


    Bronze/Copper Alloy

    27 BC - 14 AD (Roman)

    This coin type: Obverse: Head r. bare; Reverse: worn smooth.