R8 Cat. HoB 444
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Red Bichrome. Three joining fragments of shoulder and belly. Globular body. Matt black, red to black, and added white. Exterior, concentric pendent hooks (partially preserved); three horizontal lines; red band with a single horizontal line above and ...
R8 Cat. HoB 445
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
White Bichrome? Two joining fragments of body. Black over white slip. Exterior, wheel pattern with a single band, partially dotted at one part; central circle from which spokes radiate through the outer frame.
R8 Cat. HoB 446
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Gray Ware. Three joining fragments of rim, body, and loop handle. Everted and triangular rim; spherical body; thick, horizontal loop handle.
R8 Cat. HoB 447
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Gray Ware. Seven joining fragments of rim and body. Everted and triangular rim; groove at the end of rim; spherical body.
R8 Cat. HoB 448
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Gray Ware skyphos krater, rim and body fragment. Everted and thickened rim; sharp flange on the exterior; single handle scar preserved.
R8 Cat. HoB 449
Ca. 675–650 BC (Lydian)
Rim and body fragment of bird bowl. Nicked rim. Dark brown over well-burnished clay surface. Exterior, metopal band with a single line along nicked rim above and with a horizontal row of dots (bordered by two horizontal lines above and below). Metope...
R8 Cat. HoB 450
Late 8th–mid 7th c BC (Lydian)
Cup with nicked rim and body fragment. Red to dark brown glaze over clay surface. Exterior, rim painted; five vertical lines on the left and panel has horizontal zigzags below rim on the right. Interior, painted.
M. Kerschner suggests a date in the la...
R8 Cat. HoB 451
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Several joining pieces of iron chisel. Heavily corroded. It is composed of two main sections (blade and socket) where traces of joining are visible. Short and rectangular blade is preserved; bevel at the end has a flatter rectangular section and is b...
R8 Cat. HoB 452
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Iron double-axe. Heavily corroded. Double-edged. Pole partially preserved.
R8 Cat. HoB 453
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Ephesianizing. Rim and body fragment. Thickened and everted rim. Matt black, red over white slip. Exterior, over rim, painted black (paint worn off); below rim, over white slip, a single horizontal band (continued from above rim); narrow band of dogt...
R8 Cat. HoB 454
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Ephesianizing fragment of center of dish. Matt black and red over thick white slip. Exterior, single horizontal black line; single red line; narrow black band of dogtooth pattern with a single horizontal line above and below. Interior, narrow band of...
R8 Cat. HoB 455
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Rim and bowl fragment. Plain rim. Dark red to black streaky glazed with metallic sheen and added white. Exterior and interior, plain streaky overall. Exterior, single white dot-rosette below rim; upper body, three horizontal white bands; a purple ban...