M14 Cat. 517
Marble, Stone
Contemporaneous with no. 516 (Kroll); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of four panels of wall revetment of white marble. The inscription is in two lines (“exceptionally mannered lettering,” Kroll).
M14 Cat. 518
Marble, Stone
Hardly before the last quarter of the 4th century AD (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of four panels of wall revetment of white marble. The inscription is in two lines.
M14 Cat. 519
Marble, Stone
Hardly before the last quarter of the 4th century AD (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of three panels of wall revetment of white marble. The inscription is in two lines.
M14 Cat. 520
Marble, Stone
Second half of the 5th century AD or later (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of six (or more) panels of wall revetment of white marble. The inscription is in one line. The letters are narrow and of varying shapes.
M14 Cat. 521
Marble, Stone
Hardly before the last quarter of the 4th century AD (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of five (or more) panels of white marble wall revetment. The inscription is in one line. The letters are similar to those of no. 520.
M14 Cat. 522
Marble, Stone
Hardly before the last quarter of the 4th century AD (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of three (or more) panels of wall revetment of white marble. The inscription is in one line.
M14 Cat. 523
Marble, Stone
Hardly before the last quarter of the 4th century AD (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of a plaque of white marble.
M14 Cat. 524
Marble, Stone
Hardly before the last quarter of the 4th century AD (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of a plaque of white marble.
M14 Cat. 525
Marble, Stone
Hardly before the last quarter of the 4th century AD (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of a plaque of white marble.
M14 Cat. 526
Marble, Stone
Hardly before the last quarter of the 4th century AD (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragments of two non-joining segments of a panel of white marble.
M14 Cat. 527
Marble, Stone
First quarter of the 5th century AD? (Roman)
Fragments of the upper left corner of a panel of white marble.
M14 Cat. 528
Marble, Stone
Hardly before the last quarter of the 4th century AD (Ameling); cf. no. 486 on Synagogue dating. (Roman)
Fragment of a panel of white marble. The inscription is in one line.