R8 Cat. HoB 548
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Strap handle fragment of Bichrome oinochoe (?). Red and black over white slip. Exterior, horizontal band with a single line below. A row of linked lozenges, alternately reserved and crosshatched at the center. Compare PC 76.
R8 Cat. HoB 80
Late Bronze Age (Late Bronze Age)
Small shallow carinated bowl with everted rim. Fine buff micaceous clay. Rim is much thinner-walled than the rest of the vessel. Cf. HoB 82.
Late Bronze Age.
R8 Cat. HoB 106
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Fragment of an oval terracotta object used as a rod or spit holder. Two projections at the top may have been part of a row used to steady rods or a spit. Compare HoB 230, from Deep Sounding C.
R8 Cat. HoB 279
Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)
Fragment from a plate that was covered with standing and pendent concentric semicircles, with a broad black line between them, forming an apparent wave decoration. Traces of another row of semicircles or circles closer to the center of the plate. Sim...
R8 Cat. PC 80
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
\A fragment of a Black on Red dish with a double concentric circle with dots connecting the two circles on the interior. A dot was placed in the center. Compare PC 70, probably by the same painter. This one here has a redder slip. Exterior is slipped...
R8 Cat. HoB 82
Late Bronze Age (Late Bronze Age)
Rim of a plain Buff Ware carinated bowl with everted rim. Fine textured fabric. Above the carination, the rim is much thinner than the wall of the bowl. Cf. HoB 80.
Late Bronze Age.
R8 Cat. HoB 107
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Vertical handle, oval in section. Painted wavy line runs along its length. Similar to HoB 169, from same elevation in Deep Sounding C. A deep gouge on the exterior.
Mycenaean, or imitation?
R8 Cat. HoB 212
Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)
Fragment from an unknown part of a painted vessel; buff micaceous clay. Red compass-drawn pendent semicircles below a band. The remains of a sizable hole indicates that this was reused as a disk with a hole, possibly a loom weight. Compare PC 50.
R8 Cat. HoB 88
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
A fragment, part of the base and wall, of a straight-edged clay basin with a thick vertical wall and thick, flat base. Medium-hard breadtray fabric with large pebble inclusions. Interior somewhat smoothed but exterior is very uneven. Cf. HoB 217.
R8 Cat. HoB 57
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Large body sherds of a coarse pithos with incised decoration. Reddish-buff fabric with some mica. On the shoulder, large oval shapes made by pressing a finger in the wet clay, and below these, several rows of a herringbone pattern made with a tool he...
R8 Cat. HoB 292
Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)
Small fragment of a cup in buff clay with nicked rim. Rim painted on top and exterior with orange-brown paint. On upper body, below rim, concentric circles. Interior painted the same orange-brown (cf. HoB 281, although this one is finer).
R8 Cat. PC 29
8th c BC (Lydian)
Large belly fragment of a jar with orange-red fabric, slipped red. On body, a wide register with thick white glaze, bordered by two horizontal black bands. This register is slightly raised from the area above and below it. Over the white paint, a des...
R8 Cat. PC 41
Ca. 700-690 BC (Lydian)
Rim and upper body of a fine Protocorinthian linear kotyle. Two horizontal lines at the rim. A bird faces right next to vertical lines. Schaeffer identifies this bird as transitional between a soldier bird and a wire bird.
Late Early Protocorinthian.
R8 Cat. PC 91
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
A small fragment from the rim of an Ephesianizing bowl. Rounded rim, black on top, inside, and outside. Exterior: white slip overall, with a delicate dogtooth pattern of short vertical black lines, alternating upwards and downwards between two horizo...