R8 Cat. HoB 539
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Almost intact hollow spool, bottom hole and resting surface broken. A thick torus at bottom; two thinner ridges at top and at mid-body. Traces of red to brown paint over white slip.
R8 Cat. HoB 540
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Many joining fragments of rim, body, base, and handles of red Bichrome pyxis. Rim, bevelled in; wide and cylindrical neck; biconical body: sharp-angled shoulder, slightly concave-sided belly, sharp-angled transition to lower body; ring base; two loop...
R8 Cat. HoB 541
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Nearly intact lydion; small fragments missing from rim and base. Everted rim; slightly flaring neck; slightly compressed globular body; conical foot. Horizontally fluted body. Exterior, plain red to black paint. Interior, traces of paint over rim.
R8 Cat. HoB 542
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Joining fragments of lydion; small fragments missing from rim, neck, and body. Everted rim; slightly flaring neck; slightly compressed globular body; conical foot. Exterior, red spiral bands over white slip on neck and body. Interior, red painted ove...
R8 Cat. HoB 543
Ca. 630–620 BC (Lydian)
Wild Goat style (South Ionian) body sherd of oinochoe. Dark over fine white slip. Exterior, wide band: filling ornament (circle encircled with dots), browsing goat to right; filling ornament (pendent triangle, diamond rosette, hooked swastika); brows...
R8 Cat. HoB 544
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Rim and body fragment of Black on Red dish. Inverted rim; deep bowl. Rim has short radial lines across it. Exterior, two black bands below rim. Interior, broad band with a horizontal line below and above: groups of vertical wavy lines made by five-po...
R8 Cat. HoB 545
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Body fragment of Black on Red dish. Badly worn. Exterior, overlapping horizontal wavy lines made with a multiple brush of three or four points. Then two black lines with white (?) slip added. Pendent ovoid concentric semicircles below. Interior, pain...
R8 Cat. HoB 546
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Rim and body fragment of Bichrome dish. Slightly inverted rim. Exterior, two narrow black bands and a red line between them; a white band with two black bands on top; dark band below is abraded and possibly unpainted. Interior, a white slipped band b...
R8 Cat. HoB 547
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Body fragment of Black on Red dish. Exterior not painted. Interior, groups of vertical wavy lines, made with five-pointed multiple brush and two horizontal lines below.
R8 Cat. HoB 548
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Strap handle fragment of Bichrome oinochoe (?). Red and black over white slip. Exterior, horizontal band with a single line below. A row of linked lozenges, alternately reserved and crosshatched at the center. Compare PC 76.
R8 Cat. HoB 549
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Many joining fragments. Rim thickened out on the upper part; below rim, walls flare out forming a conical lower stand. Exterior, painted red, much worn.
Analyzed by M. Kerschner (sample Sard 56).
R8 Cat. HoB 550
Context: later 7th to mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Body fragment of large Gray Ware bowl with subtle ribbing from throwing marks. Slight carination at bend of belly. Shiny silver wash on exterior and interior.