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This area allows you to search for and learn about artifacts published by the Sardis Expedition. Currently (2020) the database consists of artifacts in the exhibition and catalog “The Lydians and Their World” (Yapı Kredi Vedat Nedim Tör Museum, Istanbul, 2010); Judith Schaeffer, Nancy Hirschland Ramage, and Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr., Sardis M10: Corinthian, Attic, and Lakonian Pottery; Jane Evans, Sardis M13: Coins from the Excavations at Sardis: Their Archaeological and Economic Contexts; Georg Petzl, Sardis M14: Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Part II: Finds from 1958 to 2017; G.M.A. Hanfmann ve N.H. Ramage, Sardis R2: Sculpture from Sardis: The Finds through 1975; and A. Ramage, N.H. Ramage, ve Gül Gürtekin-Demir, Sardis R8: Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis. In coming years we intend to add objects from other Sardis Reports and Monographs.

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  • White Bichrome foot of krater
    White Bichrome foot of krater

    R8 Cat. HoB 245



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Fragment of foot of a geometric krater. Bichrome with white slip on exterior. Painted decoration consists of black diagonal crosshatching within a square enclosed by a white band. Additional diagonal crosshatching to the side of the white band, and a...

  • Black on Red small jug
    Black on Red small jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 246



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Neck of dull Black on Red trefoil-mouthed jug, preserved from the shoulder to near the rim. Entire neck painted with four rows of an evenly spaced checkerboard pattern consisting of alternately filled and reserved squares and rectangles.

  • Painted spool handle
    Painted spool handle

    R8 Cat. HoB 247



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Spool handle of a bowl or jar. Buff Ware, considerable white inclusions in the body clay. Brownish-black X painted within a rectangle on the vertical band handle. Polished on exterior.

  • Protogeometric (?) jug fragment
    Protogeometric (?) jug fragment

    R8 Cat. HoB 248



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Body sherd of a closed vessel. Buff micaceous clay. Brown band below which is a standing concentric circle or semicircle. Could be the other way up. Polished on exterior.


  • Black on Red jug
    Black on Red jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 249



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Fragment of shoulder and neck of a painted round-mouthed jug. Black and dark brown on red thin-walled jug. Broad dark brown line bordered by two thinner black lines at the juncture of the shoulder and neck of the jug. From the lower black band is a s...

  • Globular Gray Ware jug
    Globular Gray Ware jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 250



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Fragment from the body of a remarkably thin and elegant globular Gray Ware jug. Oblique, polished ridges beginning just above the curve of the belly go down the body at two angles, converging toward a central vertical band. Above these ridges, a line...

  • Fragments of oven or furnace grate
    Fragments of oven or furnace grate

    R8 Cat. HoB 251



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Two fragments of an oven or furnace grate. Coarse fabric and inclusions of gravel. Raised edge, and grate holes.

  • Shallow bowl, imported?
    Shallow bowl, imported?

    R8 Cat. HoB 252



    Early Iron Age (Early Lydian)

    Ledge rim fragment decorated with short radiating red bands in groups of four. Raised band below rim, with tiny groove below. Exterior surface carefully smoothed. Broad reddish band below rim on interior.

    Protogeometric, imported?

  • Shallow bowl
    Shallow bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 253



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Two joining fragments of small shallow bowl with stub of handle. Stub of boss also at base of handle. Exterior, reserved panel below rim, decorated with wavy black line between two horizontal black lines. Reddish paint lower on body and around handle...

  • Black on Red bowl
    Black on Red bowl

    R8 Cat. HoB 254



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Rim fragment of Black on Red geometric bowl. Exterior below ledge rim, two horizontal black lines flanking a row of dots; below, pendent concentric semicircles alternating with crosshatched triangles. Exterior smooth but not polished. Interior plain....

  • Local imitation of a Mycenaean or sub-Mycenaean krater
    Local imitation of a Mycenaean or sub-Mycenaean krater

    R8 Cat. HoB 255



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Ledge rim fragment, painted in black glaze. Reserved band below top edge and under rim with band in same glaze below on exterior. Stump of handle with black line painted around its left side. Interior below rim, a thin band painted red. Overall groun...

  • Black on Red jug
    Black on Red jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 256



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Fragment of shoulder and neck of a Black on Red round-mouthed jug with stump of handle. Neck has concentric circles or semicircles. At handle base height, two horizontal black lines, a wavy line, and another horizontal line. Polished inside.

  • Black on Red jug
    Black on Red jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 257



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Two joining fragments of shoulder of Black on Red jug. Concentric standing semicircles (painted without a compass) imitating sub-Mycenaean. Two horizontal lines with traces of pendent semicircles below.

  • Black on Red jug
    Black on Red jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 258



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Tiny fragment of neck of a small jug. Black on Red, with hatched triangles.

  • Brown on Buff closed vessel
    Brown on Buff closed vessel

    R8 Cat. HoB 259



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Fragment of small closed vessel. Local fabric, Brown on Buff. Thick zigzag painted below horizontal line.

  • Three Gray Ware fragments: bowl, loop handle, cup base
    Three Gray Ware fragments: bowl, loop handle, cup base

    R8 Cat. HoB 260



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    a: Rim of Gray Ware shallow bowl with stump of handle. b: Gray Ware horizontal loop handle with knob preserved. Both sides would have been attached to the pot. c: Foot of a Gray Ware cup with outward sloping walls.

  • Small buff jug
    Small buff jug

    R8 Cat. HoB 261



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Neck and shoulder of small jug, probably trefoil. Buff fabric, white gritty inclusions, extremely micaceous. Undecorated.

  • Pithos with incised pattern
    Pithos with incised pattern

    R8 Cat. HoB 262



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Fragment of the wall of a pithos with a band of oblique crosshatching; heavily incised pattern (to a depth of ca. 0.0015 m) made with a round-ended implement. Lower edge of pattern defined by a raised band. Pattern is similar to that found on other p...

  • Gray Ware knob or boss with an impressed X
    Gray Ware knob or boss with an impressed X

    R8 Cat. HoB 263



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Small Gray Ware knob or boss with impressed X made by a round shaped implement such as a small bone that was pressed in the clay. Had been attached to a pot. Was apparently cut down for reuse as a stopper or game piece. Compare HoB 209 and PC 62 from...

  • Pithos, thumbprints on rim
    Pithos, thumbprints on rim

    R8 Cat. HoB 264



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Twenty-one fragments of rim, shoulder, and base of a large pithos. Thickened rim marked on the exterior by pressed thumb prints that were probably used to stick on more clay for a yet thicker rim. Oblique slashes added at the base of the neck. Neck f...

  • Spindle whorl
    Spindle whorl

    R8 Cat. HoB 265

    Weaving Equipment


    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Rounded shape, slightly biconical, tapering toward the top. Grayish-brown micaceous clay. Sizeable hole in middle. Shows a great deal of wear.

  • Stone bead
    Stone bead

    R8 Cat. HoB 266

    Jewelry and Ornaments


    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Oblong stone bead; brecciated stone. Perforated through the length of the bead with holes on both ends; perforation is closer to the surface along one side. Surface is smooth. There were no signs of abrasion or percussion under a binocular microscope...

  • Glass bead, yellow
    Glass bead, yellow

    R8 Cat. HoB 267

    Glass, Jewelry and Ornaments


    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Small bead with perforated hole through the center. Golden yellow color with crackly surface. According to von Saldern (Sardis M6, p. 108, cat. no. 846), probably the earliest piece of glass from Sardis.

  • Krater (?) handle fragment, painted
    Krater (?) handle fragment, painted

    R8 Cat. HoB 268



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Fragment of vertical loop handle; yellowish-buff micaceous clay. Exterior black concentric circle within part of the vertical loop handle with black band on handle. Interior and exterior polished but not smoothed.

  • Ring foot, painted
    Ring foot, painted

    R8 Cat. HoB 269



    Context: 9th to mid-8th c BC (Early Lydian)

    Turned ring foot fragment. Orangish-buff clay. Interior and exterior streaky dark slip with a narrow reserved band at the base of exterior.