Report 8: Ordinary Lydians at Home: The Lydian Trenches of the House of Bronzes and Pactolus Cliff at Sardis
Andrew Ramage, Nancy H. Ramage, and R. Gül Gürtekin-Demir
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Digital HoB and PC, Sardis Expedition
- Editor’s Preface, Nicholas Cahill
- Authors’ Preface, Andrew Ramage, Nancy H. Ramage, and Gül Gürtekin Demir
- Summary, Andrew Ramage, Nancy H. Ramage, and Gül Gürtekin Demir
- Chronology, Andrew Ramage, Nancy H. Ramage, Gül Gürtekin-Demir
- Chapter 1. Lydian Pottery: An Overview, Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 2. Introduction to Lydian Trench—Sector HoB, Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 3. Late Bronze Age and Earliest Iron Age (Thirteenth to Tenth Century B.C.), Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 4. Lydian IV: Iron Age (Ninth to Early Eighth Century B.C.), Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 5. Lydian III: The Destruction Level (Last Quarter of the Eighth Century B.C.), Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 6. Lydian II (Early to Third Quarter of the Seventh Century B.C.), Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 7. Lydian I (Late Seventh and Early Sixth Centuries B.C.), Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 8. Conclusion to the Lydian Trench—Sector HoB, Andrew Ramage and Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 9. Introduction to the Lydian Levels at Pactolus Cliff, Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 10. Stratigraphy and Finds from Pactolus Cliff, Nancy H. Ramage
- Chapter 11. Conclusion to the Lydian Levels at Pactolus Cliff, Nancy H. Ramage
- Catalogue and Tabulations of Ceramics and Other Finds from the Lydian Trench of Sector HoB, Nancy H. Ramage, Andrew Ramage and R. Gül Gürtekin-Demir
- Catalogue of Ceramics and Other Finds from Pactolus Cliff, Nancy H. Ramage
- Appendix. NAA Analysis of Lydian Ceramics from Sectors HoB and PC, Nicholas D. Cahill
- Illustration Credits, Sardis Expedition