The Lydians and their World
Nicholas D. Cahill
Table of Contents
- Introduction, Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr.
- Lydia Before the Lydians, Christopher Roosevelt
- The City of Sardis, Nicholas Cahill
- Lydian Pottery, Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr.
- Afiyet Olsun/Bon Appetit!, Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr.
- Gold and Silver Refining at Sardis, Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr., with an addition by Nicholas Cahill
- The Coins of Sardis, John H. Kroll
- Lydian Jewelry, Yıldız Akyay Meriçboyu
- Lydo-Persian Seals from Sardis, Elspeth R. M. Dusinberre
- Ivories from Lydia, Elspeth R. M. Dusinberre
- Lydian Cosmetics, Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr.
- Horsemanship, Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr.
- Lydian Architectural Terracottas, Suat Ateşlier
- The Gods of Lydia, Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr.
- The Lydians and their Ionian and Aeolian Neighbors, Michael Kerschner
- Lydian Language and Inscriptions, H. Craig Melchert
- Lydian Burial Customs, Elizabeth Baughan
- Lydian Treasure, İlknur Özgen
- The Persian Sack of Sardis, Nicholas Cahill
- The Temple of Artemis at Sardis, Fikret Yegül
- Heritage Preservation in Central Lydia, Christina Luke