R8 Cat. PC 31
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Rim and body of a Black on Red shallow bowl. Interior: a series of concentric circles around the middle. Exterior: Concentric semicircles just below the rim, using the same decoration and the same brushes as on the interior. Circles are made with a t...
R8 Cat. PC 37
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
A Gray Ware object of uncertain function. Finished on one side, starting to rise just at the break. Hole in the center is neatly finished. Other side left rough. Compare the unusual objects (“spools”) from HoB, HoB 536, HoB 537, and HoB 539, that see...
R8 Cat. PC 41
Ca. 700-690 BC (Lydian)
Rim and upper body of a fine Protocorinthian linear kotyle. Two horizontal lines at the rim. A bird faces right next to vertical lines. Schaeffer identifies this bird as transitional between a soldier bird and a wire bird.
Late Early Protocorinthian.
R8 Cat. PC 43
Figural Terracotta
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Slightly concave body fragment of a terracotta bird. A cream slip on the exterior with an oblique crosshatched pattern painted in black. Within most diamonds created by the crosshatching, a painted black dot. Interior a gray color. Made in two pieces...
R8 Cat. PC 53
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of a nearly flat lid in a fine cream-colored fabric. Brown painted decoration consists of two groups of six to seven parallel lines encircling the lid. Between these groups, a series of interlacing loops, each resembling an 8. Smoothed on th...
R8 Cat. PC 62
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of a large round cooking pot with a boss. The boss was impressed in two directions, making an X across the top surface. Made by a round-shaped implement such as a small bone that was pressed in the clay. The broken fragment was apparently cu...
R8 Cat. PC 70
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Black on Red fragment from near the center of a dish. Interior: two black concentric circles with dots in the space between them and another dot in the center. This motif repeated immediately next to it. The beginning of what looks like an omphalos i...
R8 Cat. PC 76
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Upper end of a red-slipped handle, with a band of white slip framed by thin black lines. Over the white slip, diagonal lines in both directions, making a crosshatched diamond in the center, with the exterior lines of the diamond continuing to the edg...
R8 Cat. PC 80
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
\A fragment of a Black on Red dish with a double concentric circle with dots connecting the two circles on the interior. A dot was placed in the center. Compare PC 70, probably by the same painter. This one here has a redder slip. Exterior is slipped...
R8 Cat. PC 81
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Rim and upper body fragment of a large Black on Red bowl. Outwardly turned rim has groups of radial lines (six in a group) made with a multiple brush on its flat top. Below rim, two bands preserved, bordered by horizontal lines. Within each band, ver...
R8 Cat. PC 82
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Rim of a large Black on Red deep bowl. Small thickened rim with radial black lines. Two bands preserved, bordered by horizontal lines. Within each band, vertical lines making squares, within which are wiggly lines made by a six-headed multiple brush....
R8 Cat. PC 91
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
A small fragment from the rim of an Ephesianizing bowl. Rounded rim, black on top, inside, and outside. Exterior: white slip overall, with a delicate dogtooth pattern of short vertical black lines, alternating upwards and downwards between two horizo...