R8 Cat. HoB 85
Late Bronze Age (Late Bronze Age)
Everted, flat ledge rim. Micaceous buff fabric.
Late Bronze Age.
R8 Cat. HoB 86
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Vertical band handle and part of the rim of a Protogeometric cup (?). Buff clay with noticeable inclusions. Everted rim. Remains of worn, brownish-black paint on interior and exterior. Traces of narrow pendent concentric semicircles at left of handle...
R8 Cat. HoB 87
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Slightly everted flat rim of cup. Creamy slip on exterior with pendent semicircles in dark red below a broad band of the same color on and below the rim. Interior wet-smoothed and wheel marked.
R8 Cat. HoB 88
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
A fragment, part of the base and wall, of a straight-edged clay basin with a thick vertical wall and thick, flat base. Medium-hard breadtray fabric with large pebble inclusions. Interior somewhat smoothed but exterior is very uneven. Cf. HoB 217.
R8 Cat. HoB 89
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Shoulder fragment of a jug. Reddish-brown micaceous clay. Horizontal wavy line above a smaller horizontal wavy line bordered below by another horizontal line. Exterior polished.
R8 Cat. HoB 90
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Shoulder and stub vertical band handle of large Buff Ware jug. Shallow groove at neck. Variegated hatching incised in opposite directions in registers to create zigzags on handle. Also a row of incisions on each side of the handle. Interior buff. Ext...
R8 Cat. HoB 91
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Fragment of small bowl with delicate everted rim. Buff, fine micaceous clay. Micaceous wash on polished exterior.
R8 Cat. HoB 92
Late 9th c (Early Lydian)
Small bowl or cup with everted rim. Buff fabric. Small ridge runs along the top of the shoulder of the vessel. Thick purple-black band on exterior of rim; the band does not run evenly. On body, two parallel wavy lines with evidence of a third straigh...
R8 Cat. HoB 93
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Body fragment of carinated bowl with everted rim. Orangish-buff micaceous clay. Exterior, streaky brown bands. Interior, streaky dark brown. Interior and exterior smoothed. Found with HoB 94 and HoB 92.
R8 Cat. HoB 94
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Fragment of a shoulder of a jug. Thick-walled reddish-buff fabric with a heavy concentration of grainy, dark inclusions. On exterior, horizontal black band with red band below. Smoothed on exterior, but not polished.
R8 Cat. HoB 95
Late Helladic IIIC (Late Bronze Age)
Two joining body fragments from a closed vessel of piriform shape. Reddish clay polished on the exterior. Most of the profile preserved. The three horizontal bands with crosshatched triangles above are all painted reddish-brown.
Penelope Mountjoy (201...
R8 Cat. HoB 96
Context: Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (Late Bronze Age; Early Lydian)
Rim of plain, Buff Ware bowl with slightly everted rim. Exterior is polished and slipped, and interior is smoothed. White inclusions in fabric.