R8 Cat. HoB 396
Context: last quarter of 8th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of a Geometric cup with nicked rim. Buff fabric. Exterior has black band running along rim, below which is a metopal band with an alternating series of six vertical lines and six vertical wavy lines done with a multiple brush. Below this is ...
R8 Cat. HoB 397
Context: last quarter of 8th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of a krater with Black on Red checkerboard alternating with black and reserved squares. Reddish-buff micaceous clay. Ledge rim is polished. Cf. HoB 393, cup with similar pattern.
R8 Cat. HoB 398
Context: last quarter of 8th c BC (Lydian)
Body fragment of jug with Brown on Buff decoration. Orangish-buff micaceous clay. Exterior, metopal decoration of alternating concentric circles and groups of five vertical lines. Metopal reserved band has a brown band above and three thinner lines b...
R8 Cat. HoB 399
Context: last quarter of 8th c BC (Lydian)
Reddish-buff micaceous fabric; Gray Ware fabric but not reduced in firing. Shallow bowl with slightly inturned rim. Stick polished on interior and exterior.
R8 Cat. HoB 400
Context: last quarter of 8th c BC (Lydian)
Gray Ware cylindrical tool of coarse fabric. The tool ends in a flattened knob at one side with a rounded triangle cut in relief and incision lines still visible around its perimeter. This triangle was possibly used for stamping. On the cylinder are ...
R8 Cat. HoB 401
Context: last quarter of 8th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of globular cooking pot with everted rim and slightly squared lip. Coarse, gray micaceous fabric with inclusions. At the shoulder is a wavy horizontal incised line bordered by two incised horizontal lines. The incised lines are not consisten...
R8 Cat. HoB 402
Context: last quarter of 8th c BC (Lydian)
Part of a horizontal loop handle and rim. Very coarse dark gray fabric with grayish-buff core; lots of stone inclusions. Quasi–Gray Ware.
R8 Cat. HoB 403
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Bichrome rim and body fragment of dish. Slightly everted and thickened rim; smooth carination below rim; shallow bowl. Matt black, red, and added white. Exterior, painted above rim; red horizontal band along and below rim. Interior, plain red paint a...
R8 Cat. HoB 404
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Two joining fragments of skyphos. Half of the pot is preserved. Plain rim, deep bowl, high ring base, and horizontal loop handle. Red to brown streaky glaze inside and out, except the handle zone and handle, which are left unpainted.
R8 Cat. HoB 405
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Four fragments of rim, body, and handle (one handle preserved) of skyphos. Slightly inverted plain rim, deep bowl, and horizontal loop handle below rim. Exterior is not painted. Interior, red to glossy black streaky glazed.
R8 Cat. HoB 406
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Black on Red rim fragment. Slightly carinated. Matt black over red slip. Exterior, black, painted over and along rim; horizontal band of simple hook meander row with a horizontal line above and below; three horizontal lines with a thicker line above ...
R8 Cat. HoB 407
Context: early to third quarter of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Many joining fragments making up half the body of a red Bichrome oinochoe. Neck, rim, and handle missing. Globular body, plain base. Stump of vertical handle on mid-body preserved. Over reserved shoulder, a horizontal band painted red; and seven vert...