R8 Cat. PC 83
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of a Black on Red shallow bowl or dish. A meander pattern preserved with diagonal crosshatching. A trace of a round design next to the meander. This is unusual. Dark red and rich black slip on both sides.
R8 Cat. PC 84
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of floor of Black on Red shallow dish with no original edges preserved. Crosshatched rectangles in outer (surviving) register. These are made by a six-pointed multiple brush, with two additional lines added separately for the lowest two hori...
R8 Cat. PC 85
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
]Black on Red shallow dish fragment, decorated on both sides. Interior: crude pendent semicircles made with a multiple brush. Exterior: two bands of wavy lines separated by thick black lines, and again crude pendent semicircles made with the same mul...
R8 Cat. PC 86
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Shallow Gray Ware bowl with silvery wash inside and out. Simple rim and slightly rounded lip; rim is thinner than the rest of the vessel. Graffito on exterior consisting of several interconnected lines making what look like stars. Interior is highly ...
R8 Cat. PC 87
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Fine buff fabric sherds of an East Greek bird bowl. The upper body has three horizontal lines with a diamond and three vertical lines preserved. Two feet of a bird rest on the top line. Black rays rise from the base. Interior is slipped black. Interi...
R8 Cat. PC 88
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Wall of a bowl. Interior: large black concentric circles with a dot in the center. Exterior: a band of large squares, each filled with smaller checkerboard squares. Two horizontal lines and ascendant semicircles with a dot in the center. Exterior pol...
R8 Cat. PC 89
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Body fragment of a red-on-buff painted krater with the beginning of a horizontal loop handle, which is unusual. Handle painted in streaky red. Horizontal line at top of handle, and three below it. Then apparently a solid area of the same streaky glaz...
R8 Cat. PC 90
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of the neck and beginning of the shoulder of a large Gray Ware amphora. An unusual form in Gray Ware. A silvery wash over the surface where not burned. Burnished on the exterior.
R8 Cat. PC 91
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
A small fragment from the rim of an Ephesianizing bowl. Rounded rim, black on top, inside, and outside. Exterior: white slip overall, with a delicate dogtooth pattern of short vertical black lines, alternating upwards and downwards between two horizo...
R8 Cat. PC 92
Probably before mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Small stemmed shallow dish. Slightly flaring rim decorated with two lines. Numerous narrow spirals encircle the interior of the dish. On the exterior, one black line below the rim and three bands around the stemmed foot; otherwise only red slip.
R8 Cat. PC 93
Probably before mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Rim and handle of a skyphos with a slightly inturned rim and tapering lip. Orange-buff fabric with red slip on interior and spilling over the rim on the exterior. A lighter, more streaky slip continues on the exterior beneath the horizontal loop hand...
R8 Cat. PC 94
Probably before mid-6th c BC (Lydian)
Jug has a vertical band handle. Dipped or painted, and burnished on upper body. Lower body a smooth buff. Painted band inside rim.
Lydian I, probably before mid-sixth century BC