R8 Cat. PC 59
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Thick-walled pithos fragment preserves a deeply incised rope pattern made by pressing in an actual rope, or else an object (a stick?) repeatedly impressed on the diagonal. A second smaller rope pattern lightly impressed in a second zone above the fir...
R8 Cat. PC 60
Probably 9th c BC (Lydian)
Trefoil mouth and neck of a small jug. Buff fabric with micaceous gold wash. Neck decorated with four narrow brown bands, with streaky glaze between the top two bands. A narrow horizontal wave pattern between the second and third bands. Then a wide r...
R8 Cat. PC 61
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Small fragment of shoulder and trace of the turn to neck of jug. At right, a streaky broad band divides two reserved panels. To left of band, a border in stronger dark red color at top, bottom, and side of the panel with concentric circles. At top of...
R8 Cat. PC 62
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of a large round cooking pot with a boss. The boss was impressed in two directions, making an X across the top surface. Made by a round-shaped implement such as a small bone that was pressed in the clay. The broken fragment was apparently cu...
R8 Cat. PC 63
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Rim fragment of a Black on Red shallow dish or bowl. Exterior, with pendent semicircles, heavily worn. Interior: below the rim, a black line frames a wavy line pattern made with a five-headed multiple brush that was held at an angle, so that the line...
R8 Cat. PC 64
Late 8th c BC (Lydian)
Large jug of buff fabric with rich black painted decoration. Lower neck of jar (barely preserved) is black. Shoulder has a reserved panel of horizontal bands, alternating between zigzags and vertical wiggly and straight lines (made with the same five...
R8 Cat. PC 65
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Complete tall base of a Gray Ware bowl. Has clearly been cut down and the edges chipped for reuse as a stopper or lid. Burnished on exterior. This is from the lowest point where sherds were found in Zone 2A.
R8 Cat. PC 66
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Rim fragment of a Black on Red shallow bowl. Exterior: overlapping pendent concentric semicircles below the rim. Interior: a black line below the rim; a broad reserved area with a group of four (or more) vertical lines, and wiggly horizontal lines ma...
R8 Cat. PC 67
Early 7th c BC (Lydian)
Small fragment of a large East Greek bowl. Two concentric circles (with a dot in the center) above two horizontal lines, a wide black band, and two narrow horizontals. Black on interior.
Early seventh century.
R8 Cat. PC 68
First half of 7th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of a white Bichrome dish with a central indentation or dip. Exterior has a raised, circular area surrounding the (missing) stem. Black band along the raised area, and then a pattern of standing Vs with crosshatching. Interior: a thick, white...
R8 Cat. PC 69
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Fragment of a Brown on Buff shallow dish, rising at the edge near the rim. Interior: two dark bands, concentric semicircles each with a central dot, three more bands, and then a central circular dark field. Exterior: pendent triangles with diagonal l...
R8 Cat. PC 70
Context: 9th to 6th c BC (Lydian)
Black on Red fragment from near the center of a dish. Interior: two black concentric circles with dots in the space between them and another dot in the center. This motif repeated immediately next to it. The beginning of what looks like an omphalos i...