• m14-323-10
    Inscribed Stele (©Archaeological Exploration of Sardis/President and Fellows of Harvard College)

    Inscribed Stele: Honorific Inscription for Euxenos, the 'official in charge of the sacred incomes', by priest Apollonios and the mystai of Apollon Pleurenos

    150/49 BC., Roman
    Sardis or Museum Inv. No.
    Marble, Stone
    Object Type
    Stele, Inscription
    Inscription Type
    Honorific Inscription
    Inscription language
    Inscription Text
    		Ἔτους θ̣´, ἐπ᾿ ἀρχιερέως
    		Ἑρμογένου, Ἀπολλώνιος
    		Καδοου ἱερεὺς καὶ οἱ μύσται
    	4	Ἀπόλλωνος Πλευρηνοῦ Εὔξενον
    		Μενάν{αν}δρου Σαρδιανόν, τὸν ἐπ[ὶ]
    		τῶν ἱερῶν προσόδων, καλὸν
    		καὶ ἀγαθὸν γενόμενον εἰς αὐτούς.
    	8	Εἰσὶν δὲ Καδοας Πλυηρει, Μητρόδω-
    		ρος Μιθρήους, Ἀπολλώνιος Καλ{ι}λι-
    		μάχου, Ἀρτεμίδωρος Ἀπολλω-
    		νίου, Ἀντίοχος Μενά‹ν›δρου,
    	12	Πύθεος Χάρητος, Ὄνασος Διογνή-
    		του, Μενεκράτης Μητροδώρου,
    		Μίθρης Μητροδώρου,
    		Μητρόδωρος Μενεκράτου, Ἀπελλι-
    	16	[ . . ]ς̣ Ἀντιόχου, Διονύσ̣[ιος] Ἀπ[  ]-
    		[ . .,  Ἀ]πολλώνιος Ἀρτε[μιδώ]ρο̣[υ],
    		[ . . . . . ]ως Ἀπολλοδώρου, Π[ . . . ]
    		[ . . . . .  Ἀσ]κ̣ληπιάδης Σωκ[ράτου],
    	20	[ . . . . .  . . ]ος Μητροδώ[ρου].
    Inscription Translation
    “In the year 9 when the high-priest Hermogenes was officiating: The priest Apollonios, son of Kadoas, and the mystai of Apollon Pleurenos (honor) the ‘official in charge of the sacred incomes,’ the Sardian Euxenos, son of Menandros, who has shown himself efficient and friendly toward them. These are: Kadoas, son of Plyerei; Metrodoros, son of Mithres; Apollonios, son of Kallimachos…” (thirteen more names with their patronyms follow).
    Inscription Comment
    From a field near Kemerdamları (east of the Gygaean Lake, 5 km southeast from Yeniköy, the findspot of nos. 317 and 441); nos. 317, 323, and 441 probably originate from the same sanctuary whose exact location has not yet been determined.

    Stele with triangular pediment and molding. Between the molding and the inscription, there is a relief showing two laurel branches (Robert: “deux rameaux de laurier, feuilles et fruits,” [p. 362] underlining the plant’s relation with Apollon, but perhaps they are olive; see the lemma of no. 317) representing, like in Sardis VII 1, no. 111, a wreath. The letters in ll. 15–20 are later additions written less regularly.

    H. 0.77, W. 0.45, Th. 0.12, H. of letters ca. 0.011.

    For details see the commentaries of the authors mentioned in the lemma.

    1 Ἔτους θ̣´: Herrmann (Θ corrected from Γ or E); ἔτους ς´ (“une année 6”; probably 26/25 BC) Robert and the editions depending on him. Using the information conveyed by inscriptions nos. 317 and 323, Herrmann has established the probable date of the present text, the ninth year of the reign of Attalos II (p. 283 [= Ausgew. Schriften, p. 243]: “150/49, date qui paraît possible”), which had already been approximately anticipated by H. Malay and C. Nalbantoğlu, Arkeoloji Dergisi 4 (1996), pp. 78–79, Ma, Antiochos III, p. 372, H. Müller, Chiron 30 (2000), p. 523 (SEG 50, 1189), I. Savalli-Lestrade, Simblos 3 (2001), pp. 293–94 (SEG 51, 1624); and Dignas, Economy, p. 53; see Petzl’s Addendum in L’hellénisme d’époque romaine, p. 286 (= Herrmann, Ausgew. Schriften, p. 246).

    For the Attalid ἀρχιερεύς, a continuation of the Seleucid ἀρχιερεύς, see Herrmann, pp. 281–83 (= Ausgew. Schriften, pp. 241–44); Müller, art. cit., pp. 520–42; no. 317, 6ff. comm.

    2–3 The priest Apollonios could be the son of the priest Kadoas Pleri, no. 317, 2 (cf. here l. 8 Καδοας Πλυηρει); the priesthood was apparently hereditary.

    5–6 The functionary called ὁ ἐπὶ τῶν ἱερῶν προσόδων is known for the Attalid administration (Herrmann, p. 283 [= Ausgew. Schriften, p. 243], with n. 19 [OGI 483, 165–66]; Müller, art. cit., p. 524, with n. 26).

    6 ἱερῶν: P corrected from K.

    8ff. Robert, p. 367 (= Doc. As. Min., p. 329) points out that Sardis VII 1, no. 5 “was probably also an honorary inscription set up by mystai and that the two stones are likely to have the same provenance” (SEG 32, 1236). F. Bouzid-Adler, “Noms iraniens dans l’onomastique de la ville de Sardes,” Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Etude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales 3 (2014), pp. 25–27 deals with both of them (without taking notice of the correct date of no. 323).

    8 Πλυηρει: Herrmann; Παυηρει: Robert and the editions depending on him; see above ll. 2–3 comm.

    8–9 Μητρόδωρος Μιθρήους: probably identical with the Μητρόδωρος Μιθρείους in no. 317, 28.

    11 Μενά‹ν›δρου: ΜΕΝΑΙΔΡΟΥ, the stone.

    18 [ ]ως: the Ω is written smaller above the Σ.

    20 [ ]ος Μητροδώ[ρου]: my reading; [ ]ος, Μητρόδω[ρος] edd.

    See Also
    L. Robert, BCH 106 (1982), pp. 361–67, no. 3 (= L. Robert, Doc. As. Min., pp. 323–29), figs. 19–20 (SEG 32, 1237; De Hoz, Kulte, p. 161, no. 5.26). After examination of a squeeze: P. Herrmann, “Apollon de Pleura…” (in L’hellénisme d’époque romaine…, ed. S. Follet [2004], pp. 277–86 [= id., Ausgew. Schriften, pp. 237–46]), p. 278 (= id., Ausgew. Schriften, pp. 238–39), no. 1 (cf. SEG 55, 1300 [no text]).