• latw-186-1
    Silver recumbent ram from Lydian Treasure. (Courtesy of the Vedat Nedim Tör Museum, Istanbul)

    Silver recumbent ram from Lydian Treasure

    Late 6th or early 5th c BC, Late Lydian (Persian)
    Uşak, Archaeological Museum, 1.135.96
    Museum Inventory No.
    Sardis or Museum Inv. No.
    Uşak 1.135.96
    Object Type
    Jewelry and Ornaments
    The ram is shown lying left, with head facing, and legs folded beneath the body. The fleece is marked by stippling in regular lines, and the head by hatching. The horns are ridged. The articulation of the stylized hind legs and the hooves is prominently marked, and outlined in places by a notched ridge. The two halves are joined by a neat seam. Around the neck is a necklace of beaded wire with a large rosette pendant, with a projecting central granule and the six petals outlined by plain wire. To the back of the animal is attached a ring, lightly beaded down the center. Beneath the animal is a small oval base with beading. (Özgen and Öztürk 1996) Height 0.035 m, length 0.033 m, weight 9.67 g.
    From the Lydian Treasure, provenience unknown. See No. 184.
    See Also
    Baughan, “Lydian Burial Customs”; Özgen, “Lydian Treasure”; Kerschner, “Lydians and Ionians”; Meriçboyu, “Lydian Jewelry”.
    Özgen and Öztürk 1996, no. 157; Meriçboyu 2001, 61-63.