• r2-150-10
    Stele of Menandros Apoloniou with gorgoneion in pediment and inscription, overview. (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)

    Alınlık ve Yazıtta Gorgoneion ile Menandros Apol'in (l) oniou steli

    3rd C. AD?, Roma
    Manisa, Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi, 4426
    Müze Envanter No.
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Heykelin Türü
    Cenaze Kabartması
    Alan (Sektör)
    ca. W0 / S270
    Bulunduğu Yeri
    S of HoB area, W0/S270, ca. 20 S of CW section 30, at a place with at least two Roman-built chamber tombs.

    The stele tapers markedly upward. It had a simple profile projecting over the l. and r. sides. A steep pediment (int. H. 0.20; int. W. 0.31) has a crude gorgon’s head. The bottom of the pediment is constituted by six horizontal flower calyxes, and indistinct plants, possibly vines, go up the sides of the pediment. In the corners of the pediment are heart-shaped objects (two palmette leaves?). The flat-faced, long-jawed gorgoneion has most of the surface of her face split off. On top, the hair is parted in the middle and surmounted by an oval ornament (?). She has a glowering, contracted brow and rather large, popping eyes. Two individual locks (snakes) swing from the temple and cheek on each side. A third pair is tied under the jaw.

    Below the pediment there is an inscription of eleven lines which was carved over an area where an earlier inscription had been erased.

    The sides of the stele are worked with a large claw chisel; the back is very roughly trimmed with a trimming hammer. Rustic work, 3rd C. A.D.? The gorgoneion seems to be contemporary with the second inscription.

    H. 1.01; W. at base 0.435; Th. 0.12-0.14; H. of letters ca. 0.02-0.025.

    Cf. a stele from Aquincum, now in the Musée de Budapest, with a crude gorgon in the pediment, Cumont, Recherches, pl. X. He suggests (p. 155 n. 4) that perhaps Medusa on some stelai represents the face of the moon, the end of the voyage of the souls, carried there by the winds.

    Ayrıca bakınız
    Bkz.: M14, No. 668.
    Published: BASOR206, 32.