• m14-397-10
    (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)

    2nd–3rd century AD (see below l. 5 comm.)., Roma
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Yazıt Turu
    Onurlandıran Yazıt
    Yazıt Dili
    Yazıt Metni
    		[- - -  ἐν τῇ πρωτόχθονι καὶ]
    	1	[ἱ]ερᾷ τῶ[ν θεῶν καὶ μη]-
    		τροπό[λει τῆς Ἀσί]-
    		ας κα[ὶ Λυδίας ἁπά]-
    	4	σης κ[αὶ Ἑλλάδος καὶ]
    		δὶς νε[ωκόρῳ τῶν]
    		Σεβασ[τῶν κατὰ τὰ]
    		δόγμα̣[τα τῆς ἱερᾶς]
    	8	[συγκλήτου  - - -  etc.]
    Yazıt Çevirisi
    “[- - - in the city of the Sardians, protochthonous and] sacred to the [gods and] metropolis of Asia and of all [Lydia] and [of Hellas], and keeper of two Koinon temples of [the] Augusti [by virtue of the] decrees [of the sacred Senate - - - , etc.]”
    Yazıt Yorumu
    Alan (Sektör)
    F55 05.3
    F55 05.3 Locus 4
    E776 / S182.25 *129.25
    Bulunduğu Yeri
    Field 55, east side of Wadi B Temple terrace, marble collapse in area of late antique Spolia Wall.

    Three joining fragments of marble. The inscription is within a frame; part of the raised left edge is preserved.

    H. 0.33, W. 0.16, Th. 0.05.

    Probably from an honorific inscription; it is restored on the model of no. 411. The city’s title could also have been given in the nominative: [ἡ πρωτόχθων καὶ / ἱ]ερὰ τῶ[ν θεῶν καὶ μη]/τρόπο[λις τῆς Ἀσί]/ας κα[ὶ Λυδίας ἁπά]-σης κ[αὶ Ἑλλάδος καὶ] / δὶς νε[ωκόρος, etc.]

    5 On the individual neokoriai of Sardis see P. Herrmann, Chiron 23 (1993), pp. 251–52 (see also p. 235), and Burrell, Neokoroi, pp. 100–115: First neokoria: perhaps under Vespasian (see no. 572 comm.). Second neokoria: presumably under Hadrian (Herrmann and Burrell: presumably under Antoninus Pius). T. Ritti, Storia e istituzioni di Hierapolis (2017), pp. 372–75, publishes the fragment of a decree for Hadrian issued by the “Greeks from Asia,” mentioning Lucius Iulius Libonianus in his quality as [asiarch]; the latter is known from Sardis VII 1, no. 47, inter alia, as ἀρχιερεὺς τῆς Ἀσίας ναῶν τῶν ἐν Λυδίᾳ Σαρδιανῶν. Ritti therefore supposes that Sardis was granted the second neokoria already under Hadrian’s reign. Third neokoria (see no. 404, 4 comm.): under Elagabalus, but later withdrawn by Severus Alexander; it was restored by Valerianus; see L. Robert, RN 1976, pp. 49–54 (= id., Op. Min. VI, pp. 161–66; id., Choix, pp. 666–70).

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