• m14-377-10
    (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)

“Somewhere between the Hadrianic period and ca. 180 AD” (Pleket); see below ll. [x]–2 comm.., Roma
Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
Mermer, Taş
Eserin Türü
Heykel, Yazıt
Yazıt Turu
Onurlandıran Yazıt
Yazıt Dili
Heykelin Türü
Yazıt Metni
		-     -     -     -     -     -
		[	           ]Ω̣Ν
	2	[         ]Ι̣ΑΤΟΝ τὸ β´ 
		          1 line vacat
		ἡ ἱερὰ ξυστικὴ περι-
	4	πολιστικὴ εὐσεβὴς
		σεβαστὴ μεγάλη
		σύνοδος τὸν ἴδιον
		ἐν πᾶσιν εὐεργέτην·
		          1 line vacat
	8	προνοησαμένου τῆς
		ἀναστάσεως Λ. Κεσσίου
		Διονυσίου, περιόδου,
		ξυστάρχου διὰ βίου
	12	καὶ τῶν ἐν τῇ λαμπρο-
		τάτῃ Σαρδιανῶν μη-
		τροπόλει ἀγώνων.
Yazıt Çevirisi
“The holy, athletic, wandering, pious, venerable, great Association (honors) [the emperor…(?), consul(?)] for the second time, its own benefactor in every respect. L(ucius) Cessius Dionysios, periodonikes, xystarches-for-life also of the contests (held) in the most conspicuous metropolis of the Sardians, took care of the erection (of the statue)” (after Pleket).
Yazıt Yorumu
ca. E745.35 / S110.65 ca. *125.5
Bulunduğu Yeri
Field 55, north side of Wadi B Temple terrace.

Partly broken and damaged pedestal of marble, probably a statue support, with molding at the top; the uppermost part of the block is missing. In the missing part above l. 1 there was space for two to three more lines.

H. ca. 1.60, max. W. 0.64, max. Th. 0.59, H. of letters ll. 1–2, 0.04, ll. 3–14, 0.03.

See Pleket’s detailed commentary in his edition of the pedestal.

[x]–2 It seems that the recipient of the honors was a Roman emperor (“one of its [i.e., the synodos] members,” Greenewalt [SEG]). “La mention d’un deuxième consulat exclut qu’il puisse s’agir de Marc Aurèle…; il devrait donc s’agir…de Lucius Vérus ou de Commode” (AE).

1 Omega, without a horizontal line underneath, as from l. 9 onward.

2 [ὕ]π̣ατον τὸ β´?

6 τὸν ἴδιον…: see no. 389, 14–15 comm.

8 In the vacat after l. 7 is a modern graffito: Π. - τῆς: small H between T and Σ.

9 vΛvΚΕΣΣΙΟΥ, with a small Y written within the O.

10 περιόδου = περιοδονίκου: see L. Robert, Et. anat., pp. 122–23.

11 ξυστάρχου διὰ βίου: on the xystarches, see D. Rousset and J.-Y. Strasser, REG (2017), pp. 1–22, in particular pp. 7–22.

Ayrıca bakınız
Mentioned by C. H. Greenewalt, jr., KST 19, 1 (1997), p. 708 (non vidi; SEG 47, 1653, without text), and by Greenewalt and M. Rautman, AJA 104 (2000), p. 678. H. W. Pleket, ZPE 181 (2012), pp. 102–7, with photograph (AE 2012, 1520; SEG 62, 920).