• m14-477-10
    Inscribed Base (©Archaeological Exploration of Sardis/President and Fellows of Harvard College)

    Inscribed Base: Dedication by Lucius Flavius Stlaccius

    Probably 2nd century AD., Roman
    Sardis or Museum Inv. No.
    Marble, Stone
    Object Type
    Statue Base, Inscription
    Inscription Type
    Religious Inscription
    Inscription language
    Inscription Text
    		Λ̣. Φ̣λ. Στλά̣κκιος
    	4	ἀνέθηκεν.
    Inscription Translation
    “L(ucius) Fl(avius) Stlaccius, fatherland-loving sophist, has dedicated (the base plus object mounted on it).”
    Inscription Comment

    Base of white marble, the upper and lower ends with moldings; on the upper surface there are two holes. The script is badly worn.

    Diam. 0.03) for affixing a statuette (H. 0.22, W. 0.25, Th. 0.20, H. of letters 0.015.

    My readings of the inscription are partly based on autopsy, a squeeze, drawings, an excavation photograph, and RTI photographs produced by E. Frank. They were also partly made possible by the publication “L. Flavius Stlaccius aus Sardis, der ‘beste Sophist’…” by M. Haake in Studien zum antiken Kleinasien VII, ed. E. Schwertheim, (2011 = AMS 66), pp. 147–58, pl. 19, of the following inscription dated to the second century AD: Λ(ούκιον) Φλ(άουιον) Στλάκκιον / Σαρδιανόν, σοφιστὴν / ἄριστον ἀρετῆς ἕνεκα /(4) ἐτείμησεν ἡ Τροαδέων / πόλις βουλῆς ψηφίσματι, τὸν / αὐτὸν διὰ παιδείαν καὶ ὑπὸ / Θεσσαλονεικέων καὶ Βυζαν/(8)τίων ὁμοίως τετειμημένον. See the detailed commentary in ZPE 200.

    For Sardians belonging to the gens Stlaccia, see Sardis VII 1, no. 43, with the correction by Malay, Manisa Museum, no. 39 (Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Στλάκκιος); Sardis VII 1, no. 61: Στλάκκιος Νίγρος, who is attested as Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Στλάκκιος Νίγρος, together with his sons Ἰουλιανός and Στλάκκιος, in the recent find no. 384. Cf. also Sardis VII 1, no. 77, 7, where I restore Σταλ[κια]/νόν (ΣΤΑΛ[ - - ]ΝΟΝ, Ph. Le Bas). For Stlaccii in the neighboring town of Maeonia, see TAM V 1, 542 and 553.

    2 For φιλόπατρις see L. Robert, Hellenica XIII, p. 215; P. Hamon, BE 2017, 58.

    See Also
    Herrmann, ms.; G. Petzl, ZPE 200 (2016), pp. 239–42, no. 1, with a drawing and photos of the stone.