• m14-440-10
    Inscribed Base (©Archaeological Exploration of Sardis/President and Fellows of Harvard College)

    Inscribed Base: Dedication of Statue of Hera by Iulia Lydia, granddaughter of Sokrates Pardalas (who built temple and set up original statue)

    20–30 AD (Hanfmann and Ramage)., Roman
    Sardis or Museum Inv. No.
    Marble, Stone
    Object Type
    Statue Base, Inscription
    Inscription Type
    Religious Inscription
    Inscription language
    Inscription Text
    	Σωκράτης Πολεμαίου
    	Παρδαλᾶς τὸν ναὸν κατε-
    	σκεύασεν καὶ τὴν Ἥραν ἀνέ-
        4	θηκεν·v Ιουλία Λυδία ἡ ὑωνὴ
    	αὐτοῦ μετὰ τὸν σεισμὸν
    Inscription Translation
    “Sokrates Pardalas, son of Polemaios, built the temple and erected the (statue of) Hera. Iulia Lydia, his granddaughter, restored it after the earthquake.”
    Inscription Comment
    Syn 63
    Syn MH Spolia
    B-Grid Coordinates
    E94 / N9 ca. *97
    Synagogue, Main Hall, built into the lower part of the crosswall east of the southern “shrine.”

    Base of marble with moldings on the upper and lower edges; partly damaged. On the upper surface there is a recess for the plinth of a statue.

    H. 0.435, W. 0.71–0.73, Th. 0.63, H. of letters 0.02.

    1–2 Herrmann (ms.) comments in detail on the (certain and doubtful) attestations for Sokrates Pardalas (who lived in the middle or the third quarter of the first century BC), his father Polemaios (probably Polemaios Keras(e)i; see no. 600, 1), and the family connections. For Sokrates Pardalas, see Sardis VII 1, nos. 22; 91 (ἐπὶ [ἱ]-

    ερέως Σωκράτους τοῦ Πολεμαίου Παρδαλᾶ); 122; and no. 601, 4. See the detailed discussions in Herrmann, Chiron 26 (1996), pp. 324 n. 29, 325 n. 32; and U. Laffi, Il trattato fra Sardi ed Efeso degli anni 90 A.C. (2010), pp. 93–95 (SEG 60, 1330 III, on ll. 34–36). For ΣΩΚΡΑ on coins, see L. Robert, REA 62 (1960), p. 346 n. 2 (= Op. Min. II, p. 862). Elsewhere in his manuscript, Herrmann discusses the question of a possible relationship between Sokrates Pardalas and the Pardalas mentioned in Sardis VII 1, no. 127, with references to Chr. Habicht, AvP VIII.3, no. 142; C. P. Jones, Plutarch and Rome (1971), p. 117 n. 52; B. Holtheide, Röm. Bürgerrechtspolitik und röm. Neubürger in der Provinz Asia (1983), pp. 47, 157 nn. 275–77. Herrmann considers that the father of the ἀρχιερεὺς καὶ διὰ βίου ἀγωνοθέτης θεᾶς Ῥώμης Γάιος Ἰούλιος, Παρδαλᾶ καὶ τοῦ Δήμου τοῦ Σαρδιανῶν υἱός, Παρδαλᾶς, mentioned in an inscription from Hypaipa (OGI 470 II 4–8 = IGSK 17, 2, no. 3825, 9–11; see Campanile, Sacerdoti, pp. 48–49), may have been Sokrates Pardalas. An inscription dated to 18 BC, which was discovered by H. Malay in the territory of Maionia (Emre), starts with the words ἐπὶ ἀρχιιερέως Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ̣ Γαΐου Ἰουλίου Ἀσκληπιάδου, Σωκράτους Παρδαλᾶ υἱοῦ, Σαρδιανοῦ (Malay and Petzl, New Religious Texts, no. 195, 1–3). It seems that both brothers, C. Iulius Pardalas and C. Iulius Asklepiades, officiated as archiereis. - For the name Pardalas, see L. Robert, Noms indig., p. 172 and CRAI 1975, p. 320 n. 47 (= Op. Min. V, p. 499). CIL XVI 7, extr., tab. II, l. 18 (cf. Dessau, ILS 1988), Ti. Iulius Pardala Sard(ianus), on a military diploma from 68 AD.

    5–6 The earthquake is the famous one from 17 AD (see no. 414 comm.); the restoration included the re-erection of the Hera statue on a new base.

    See Also
    See also: R2, No. 275.
    D. G. Mitten and A. F. Scorziello, “Reappropriating Antiquity: Some Spolia from the Synagogue at Sardis,” in R4, pp. 142–43, figs. 11–13; L. Robert, BCH 102 (1978), p. 405 (= Doc. As. Min., p. 101); R2, p. 178, no. 275, figs. 467–68, with further references (De Hoz, Kulte, p. 198, no. 21.1); SPRT, fig. 177 (photo) (SEG 28, 928). P. Herrmann, “Sardeis zur Zeit der iulisch-claudischen Kaiser” (in Forschungen in Lydien, ed. E. Schwertheim [1995 = AMS 17], pp. 21–36 = Herrmann, Ausgew. Schriften, pp. 147–68), p. 30 (Ausgew. Schriften, pp. 157–58), with photograph pl. 3, 1 (Ausgew. Schriften, p. 167, fig. 5); Herrmann, ms.