• m14-352-10
    Inscribed Orthostate? Fragments (©Archaeological Exploration of Sardis/President and Fellows of Harvard College)

    Inscribed Orthostate? Fragments (marble collapse in area of late antique Spolia Wall): Honorific Inscription for Publius Aelius Gell[--?

    1st–2nd century AD., Roman
    Sardis or Museum Inv. No.
    Marble, Stone
    Object Type
    Inscription Type
    Honorific Inscription
    Inscription language
    Inscription Text
    			        (col. I)			           (col. II)
    		[			            ] μητροπό[λεως				]
    		[			           ]αι πόλεω[ς					]
    		[			           ] ἡ βουλὴ κα[ὶ ὁ δῆμος			]
    	4	[			           ]	      Π. Αἴλ. Γελλ[  ca. 6	ἀρχι]-
    		[			           ]	      ερέα τῶν τ[ρισκαίδεκα]
    		[			           ]	      πόλεων [			 ]
    		[			   ]Φ̣[  ]		      καὶ μετὰ π̣[λείστης προ]-
    	8	[		         ]Μ̣ΕΝΟΝ	      θυμίας ἐκτε̣[λέσαντα]
    		[		  ] . Α ἐν τῇ τοῦ	      τὴν ἀρχιερεωσ̣[ύνην, ἄν]-
    		[	          ] ἀ̣[ρ]χιερεωσύνῃ	      δρα καὶ ἐν λόγο[ις κ]α̣ὶ̣ ἔ̣[ρ]-
    		[γοις -  -  · τῆς ἀν]αστάσεως γενομένης ἐκ τῶν δημοσίων̣ [	]
    					v a c a t
    Inscription Translation
    Headline: “The Council and [the People - - - ] of (the) metropolis [ - - - ] of (the) city [(of Sardis have honored) - - ].” Col. I, 9–10: “[ - - - ] in the office of high-priesthood of [ - - - ].” Col. II, 4–11: “P(ublius) Ael(ius) Gell[- -, the high-]priest of the thirteen (Ionian) cities [ - - - ] and with [extreme] willingness [accomplishing] the office of high-priesthood, a man [outstanding vel sim.] in words as well as in deeds [ - - - ].” (Last line) “[ - - - the] erection (of the monument) was made from public [funds - - - ].”
    Inscription Comment
    F55 13.1
    F55 05.3 Locus 4
    B-Grid Coordinates
    E778.7 / S180.5 *128.408
    Field 55, east side of Wadi B Temple terrace, marble collapse in area of late antique Spolia Wall.

    Three joining fragments of a marble orthostate? The upper fragment is broken on all sides except for the upper edge; the lower left frag. has only parts of the left and lower edges preserved; and the lower right frag. is broken on all sides.

    Th. ca. 0.15, H. of letters 0.03, H in ΗΒΟΥΛ- [l. 3] and E in EK [l. 11] 0.05; upper edge frag. is max. H. 0.39, max. W. 0.44; lower left frag. H. 0.82, W. ca. 1.05; lower right frag. H. 0.31, W. ca. 0.28.

    1–3 The first and the second lines contain elements of Sardis’s title, running over at least two columns. As the beginning (]ΑΣΤΑΣΕΩΣ) of l. 11 (which runs under the two preserved columns) shows, the last line must have begun on another stone joining on the left side. Likewise, the introductory headlines may have started on a block joining the present upper edge.

    col. I, 8 Probably the ending of a participle.

    col. II, 4 Perhaps Γελλ[ιανόν, ἀρχι]/ερέα, see Solin and Salomies, Repertorium, p. 338, where the cognomina Gellio and Gel(l)iola are also listed, which could as well be taken into consideration; Γέλλ[ιον], used as a second nomen gentile or cognomen (cf. H. Dessau, ILS 6394), is also possible: Γέλλ[ιον, τὸν ἀρχι]/ερέα.

    col. II, 4–6 Cf. no. 350, 2–4 and 10–11 comm.

    col. II, 6 πόλεων [γενόμενον], the “[former high-]priest of the [thirteen] (Ionian) cities” would approximately fit the line’s length.

    col. II, 7 The restoration π[λείστης] seems to be more in accordance with the length of the lines than π[άσης].

    col. II, 10 If that line maintained the average width of the column, then the last syllable of ἔργοις and the following words were written on line 11.

    11 On this line, running under at least two columns, see above on ll. 1–3. - ἐκ τῶν δημοσίων̣ [πόρων]?

    See Also