• m14-345-10
    Inscribed Base (©Archaeological Exploration of Sardis/President and Fellows of Harvard College)

    Inscribed Base (reused in late antique Spolia Wall): Honorific Inscription (for Publius Cornelius Aquila Laenas Marcellus?), by the Inhabitants of Charax

    1st–2nd century AD? (letter shape)., Roman
    Sardis or Museum Inv. No.
    Marble, Stone
    Object Type
    Statue Base, Inscription
    Inscription Type
    Honorific Inscription
    Inscription language
    Inscription Text
    		[	       ] . [	            ]
    		[καὶ εἰς ᾠδ]είου [κατα]-
    		[σκευὴν (δηνάρια) μύ(ρια) δέκα], καὶ χρή̣[ματα]
    	4	[εἰς στεφανη]φορίαν̣ [διηνε]-
    		[κῆ, ἐν πᾶσιν] πρὸς τ[ὴν]
    		[πατρίδα φιλότ]ειμον, [τοῖς]
    		[δὲ περὶ τὴν ἰδ]ίαν ἀρχ[ιε]-
    	8	[ρεωσύνην κ]υ̣νηγε<σ>ίω[ν τε]
    		[καὶ μονομα]χ̣ιῶν ἀνα[λώ]-
    		[μασιν παρευδο]κ̣ιμήσαν[τα]
    		[πάντας τοὺς ἐπὶ τῆς] Ἀ̣σίας ἀρχι[ε]-
    	12	[vac.     ρασα]μένους.  vac.
    		[Τὴν τει]μὴν ἀναθέ[ν]-
    		[των παρ᾿ α]ὐ[τῶ]ν Χαρακην̣[ῶν]
    		[ἐν τῇ ἰδίᾳ] α[ὐτ]ο̣ῦ πλατε[ίᾳ]
    	16	[καθὰ ἡ πατ]ρὶς̣ [ἐ]ψηφίσατο.
    		[ἐπι]μελησαμένων τ[ῆς]
    		[ἀναστάσεω]ς τοῦ ἀνδριάντο[ς]
    		[          Σ]ατορνείνου Π[   ]
    	20	[          Μ]η̣τροδώρου Α̣Π̣[  ]
    		[ἐπὶ στεφανη]φόρου Ἀρτε[μ-  ]
    		[	           ] vacat
    Inscription Translation
    “[ - - and for the construction of the Od]eion [100,000 denarii,] and money [for the continuous (office of)] stephanephoria, [(the honoree being) in every respect] zealous toward his [native city; as to the] expenses for the beast-hunts [and the gladiatorial shows in connection with his] own high-priesthood he surpassed in fame [all those who] had officiated as high-priests of Asia. - The inhabitants of Charax erected the statue [from] their own means [in his own] plateia [according to the] native city’s decree. - [ - - S]aturninus, P[ - - M]etrodoros Ap[ - - ] took care of the erection of the statue, [when] Artem[- - - ] officiated as stephanephoros.”
    Inscription Comment
    F55 16.1
    F55 16.1 Locus 107
    B-Grid Coordinates
    E781.4 - E782 / S184.4 - S184.6 *127.47
    Field 55, east side of Wadi B Temple terrace.

    Fragment of a rectangular base of white marble, damaged on all sides except for a portion of the inscribed surface.

    H. 1.08, W. 0.65, Th. 0.61, H. of letters 0.023–0.027.

    The preserved text until l. 16 is an exact parallel to no. 344, 15–30, the honorific inscription mentioning the erection of a statue of Publius Cornelius Aquila Laenas Marcellus, son of Cornelius Aquila. The only difference consists of the name of the community responsible for the erection of the statue. While in no. 344 this is the κατοικία Γανγαλειτῶν, and in the short honorific inscription for the same person no. 343 ἡ Ἑκατειτῶν κατοικία, the dedicants mentioned here were inhabitants of a place called “Fortress,” Χάραξ (l. 14: gen. Χαρακην̣[ῶν]). There were many places bearing that name; see L. Robert, Op. Min. VI, p. 649 n. 12; Chr. Habicht, JHS 65 (1975), p. 74, on the Ephesian list of assize districts (Flavian period) published by him (op. cit. p. 65 = SEG 37, 884 and IGSK 11, 1, no. 13), col. I, 12. The Χαρακηνοί mentioned in that inscription have been attributed to a place north of Daldis whose inhabitants were called Χαρακιπολῖται in the second century AD (ΤAM V 1, no. 683). Habicht and P. Herrmann (cf. TAM V 1, p. 220) assume “that the Χαρακηνοί, once they had received the privileges of a city, called themselves Χαρακιπολῖται” (Habicht, op. cit.). Whether the Χαρακηνοί mentioned here are to be identified with those of the Ephesian inscription or belong to a Χάραξ closer to Sardis, remains uncertain.

    8 [κ]υ̣νηγε<σ>ίω[ν]: -ΓΕΞΙ- lapis ut videtur.

    14 Χαρακην̣[ῶν]: with oversize X.

    15 πλατεῖα: see no. 339, 5–6 comm.

    See Also