• r2-67-10
    Palliatus, front, three-quarter view. (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)


    1st half of 1st C. AD, Roma
    Manisa, Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi, 3942
    Müze Envanter No.
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Heykelin Türü
    Drapeli Erkek, İnsan Figürü
    Alan (Sektör)
    E30 / S90 ca. *99.44
    Bulunduğu Yeri
    HoB (only ca. 0.30 below ground level).

    In the neck is a hollow for insertion of the head, which was worked separately. As is typical of palliatus statues, the himation falls from l. to r. around the back in swallow-tail folds and across the front on a diagonal from l. shoulder. The r. arm is covered but the hand exposed. One end is thrown over l. shoulder and hangs down the back with a round tassel at end, the other loose end is wound around l. arm. Folds in front are narrow and well made. At r. hip the vertical folds of the undergarment show through diagonal ones of the himation. Sandals have a thong, two cross straps, and a solid piece of leather over the outer heels. Feet are placed wide apart on a thick plinth which is left rough-picked. View from r. side shows the folds revealing curved shape of back, buttock and thigh. From the back there is a large simplified appearance: a few flat folds are made by chisel and entire back surface retains marks from large claw chisel. Separation of r. arm from body is summarily indicated on back by incised groove. At lower right of the back is an ancient repair. Between the lower part of the garment and plinth at back is a support piece of marble, rough-picked, which conceals hem and heels.

    The statue was found together with a female counterpart (Cat. 59 Figs. 172-173). The two would have made an impressive group when set up, perhaps in HoB where they were found. Both seem to belong to 1st half of 1st C. A.D. The medium-long overfold of the man’s himation, and style of carving, point to this date at latest.


    Local marble.

    Minor chipping of fingers and drapery. Front of plinth broken off with damage to some toes of both feet. Toes of r. foot preserved as separate fragment. Large piece at back of r. leg, from ankle to knee, pieced on in antiquity.

    H. ca. 1.69; max. W. ca. 0.61. Base: H. 0.14; W. 0.50; L. ca. 0.61.
    Cf. also ibid., nos. 57-62, pls. 38-40; Rosenbaum, Cyrenaican Portrait Sculpture, 80ff.
    Ayrıca bakınız
    Published: BASOR157, 27-28; Hanfmann-Detweiler, Sardis, Capital, 62, fig. 11; Hanfmann, Letters, 59, fig. 38. Genealogy of palliatus, dating back to 4th C. B.C., summarized by Hanfmann, Agora I, 76, n. 6.