• r2-61-10
    Lower half of peplos figure. (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)

    Peplos Figürünün Alt Yarısı

    Late 1st-early 2nd C. AD, Roma
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Heykelin Türü
    Drapeli Kadın, İnsan Figürü
    Alan (Sektör)
    Syn 64
    E128.97 - E129.32 / N4.20 - N4.45 *97.78 - 97.13
    Bulunduğu Yeri

    The woman, draped in a peplos, stands with her weight on her straight l. leg; her r. one is bent at the knee and drawn back slightly. The drapery clings to both legs, clearly revealing their forms, but falls in heavy contrasting folds between the legs and on both sides. The back is much more summarily worked with ten regular, shallow, vertical folds which stop at a straight horizontal line between drapery and plinth. The back of the overfold of the peplos hangs with a longer fold at the l., a shorter on the r., and is finished in two roughly carved tassels; a third tassel can be seen at her r. side, as well as the end of the belt which must have tied the upper garment. Both feet are only roughed out, with no details of toes or shoes. The drapery falls over the r. foot in a drilled arched fold.

    The plinth is carefully finished at the front proper r. corner, but in the center, 0.06 from the edge, is a projection of 0.03. It is only roughly claw chiseled. The clamp hole, 0.03 by 0.02 by 0.04 D., is from reuse of the stone.

    Though summary, the workmanship is appealing, but the drill “runs” at bottom of folds show this to be a Roman work of the late 1st or early 2nd C. A.D. after an early classical type.


    Possibly local, large-grained marble with reddish leaching or incrustation.

    The statue is preserved from the upper thighs downwards, including the plinth. Traces of red cement in clamp hole in base, from reuse in Synagogue where it had been used as a horizontal building block. L. (upper) part of base splintered off.

    H 0.65; W. 0.32; Th. 0.18; plinth H. 0.13; W. 0.32; Th. 0.19.
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