• r2-271-10
    Hermes-like statuette dedicated to Hosion kai Dikaion, Adana Regional Museum. ()

    Hosion Kai Dikaion'a Özel Hermes Benzeri Heykelciği

    2nd or 3rd C. AD, Roma
    Adana Arkeoloji Müzesi
    Müze Envanter No.
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Uninv. R2, Cat. 271
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Heykelin Türü
    İnsan Figürü, Drapeli Erkek, Votif Kabartması
    Bulunduğu Yeri
    According to O.A. Taşyürek, Director, Adana Regional Museum, alleged by the dealer to have come from Sardis.

    The figure wears a girt tunic with a chlamys fastened over the r. shoulder and falling down to his feet in back. There is a circular pillar at the l. leg. He holds a caduceus with the lowered l. hand. On the front of the base there is a Greek inscription of four lines:

    I do not know of any dedications to Hosion kai Dikaion found at Sardis, but they are very common in the region farther S around Kula (cf. Cat. 265 Fig. 455; also Robert, Nouvelles Inscriptions, 35, and his treatment of the cult). The provenance from Sardis, therefore, seems doubtful. The rustic style, too, is more like that of eastern Lydia.

    Marble. Head missing. Lower r. arm lost (was dowelled on).
    H. 0.59. Base: H. 0.12; W. 0.245.
    This piece is from another site in Lydia, but in the past, it has been mistakenly attributed to Sardis.
    Ayrıca bakınız
    The statuette and its inscription are published by G. Petzl in the Festschrift for K.F. Dorner (Petzl, Vier Inschriften aus Lydien II). I am indebted to C.H. Greenewalt, Jr. for showing me a photograph and to O.A. Taşyürek for kindly sending photographs and a dimensioned drawing.