• r2-225-10
    Table leg, male figure standing against pillar, front view. (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)

    Masa Ayağı, Ayağa Karşı Duran Erkek Figürü

    1st half of 3rd C. AD?, Roma
    Manisa, Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi, 2235
    Müze Envanter No.
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Heykelin Türü
    Alet veya Teçhizatı, İnsan Figürü
    Alan (Sektör)
    HoB House of Bronzes Room 7
    basement floor
    Bulunduğu Yeri
    HoB, found standing on floor in SE corner of room 7 (basement).

    A nude standing male figure, leaning against a pillar, has a piece of drapery slung across his l. shoulder, around back, and across his r. thigh. Weight is on the l. leg, his r. leg forward. His l. hand clasps the drapery near his chest, the r. hand holds onto it lightly at the thigh. The lower arm was worked fully in the round. Although the face is almost completely smashed away, the hair, parted and drawn back into a knot, remains largely intact. At each side a long lock falls on his shoulder, although that on his l. is obscured by the drapery, and by the turn of the head to that side. In his hair on the r. is a sketchy flower or bunch of grapes.

    Modeling is summary, with hard, angular chiseled outlines. The linea alba is a sharply chiseled line. Pillar, base, and statue are all of one piece of stone. The dowel hole in the top of the pillar was for attaching the tabletop. The back of the pillar was evenly rough-picked; the underside of the base has rough anathyrosis.

    Although the type is that of a classical Apollo, the bunch of grapes or flowers suggests that this is Bacchus. Since the pagan figure was found in the Christian “House of Bronzes,” the face may have been smashed on purpose. The sketchy, superficial workmanship, meant for architectural decoration, is probably from the 1st half of the 3rd C. to ca. A.D. 300. The absence of drilling favors an earlier date.

    Max. H. 0.895; H. of statue 0.75; H. of base at back 0.12, at front 0.09. Pillar: H. 0.77; W. at top 0.155, at bottom 0.19; D. at top 0.09, at bottom 0.05 (i.e. pillar spreads toward bottom in W., but tapers in D.). Dowel in top of pillar 0.03 by 0.25, 0.033 D.
    Ayrıca bakınız
    Published: BASOR154, 27; Hanfmann-Detweiler, New Explorations 1959, fig. 13; Hanfmann-Detweiler, Sardis, Capital 1959, 925, fig. 6; M. J. Mellink, Archaeology in Asia Minor 1960, 67 and pl. 13, fig. 12.