• r2-140-10
    East Greek stele with mother, daughter, son, overview. (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)

    Annesi, Kızı, Oğlu ile Doğu Yunan Steli

    1st C. BC or 1st C. AD, Hellenistik veya Roma
    Manisa, Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi, 4425
    Müze Envanter No.
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Heykelin Türü
    Cenaze Kabartması, Drapeli Kadın, Drapeli Erkek, İnsan Figürü
    ca W105 / S205
    Bulunduğu Yeri
    Said to have been built into a wall, ca. 20 m. N of the HoB colonnaded street, together with Hellenistic through Roman sherds.

    The stele has a simple panel frame, the top of which is straight, not pedimental. There are two ladies in Pudicitia posture, the one on the l. smaller, the other in the center taller (cf. Cat. 245 Fig. 425); a young man at the r. has his r. arm in a cloak, the l. holding a garment (palliatus type). All faces are worn. The girl’s face was turned markedly to her l., as was her mother’s. The boy looked somewhat more straight ahead. On both women, the garment, thrown over the l. wrist, descends in a straight central vertical fold. The other fold systems are indicated by somewhat schematic, shallow, but careful chisel work. The boy’s tunic is visible at his neck. The half-length, elbow sleeve visible on his l. arm is shown as belonging to his cloak of which he grasps a fold, and which then falls accompanying his l. leg. There is asymmetry in the figures: the girl stands free of the frame but the boy pushes against it. All three figures are envisaged as looking at a spectator coming from their l. The background is smooth and simple, non-receding. It has been further refined for 0.03 below the frame. Otherwise, there is fine claw chisel work. The back has been flat chiseled and then smoothed. No attachments by dowels or the like are visible.

    H. Möbius writes (letter Aug. 1971) that the stele is either 1st C. B.C. or 1st C. A.D., but is still entirely within the Hellenistic tradition. The strong throwing out of hips is late Hellenistic. The basic spirit is static and careful.



    Frame broken at top and bottom. Faces broken off; hands rubbed off. Lower part missing from knees of figures down.

    H. 0.58; W. 0.48; D. 0.10-0.11; H. of l. figure 0.36, of central figure 0.42, of r. figure 0.33.
    Ayrıca bakınız
    Published: BASOR206, 32, fig. 22.