• r2-138-10
    Relief stele with standing male, overview. (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)

    Ayaklı Erkek Kabartma Stel

    1st C. BC, Hellenistik
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Heykelin Türü
    Cenaze Kabartması, İnsan Figürü, Drapeli Kadın
    Bulunduğu Yeri
    E bank of Pactolus River.

    A rectangular stele--whether horizontal or vertical is not certain--is framed at the r. side by a Doric pilaster with a wide, flat base and a shaft which tapers markedly upward. There are two fasciae of an epistyle. A man dressed in a himation stands with his r. arm enclosed by the cloth against his chest, in the conventional manner of palliati. The l. arm, also wrapped in folds, hangs down the side, the cloak falling in “Phidian” swallow-tail folds below the broken hand. Although his face and hair have been entirely lost, the outline of the head indicates that he was looking off to his r. side. The preserved, heavily incrusted l. boot has an indication of toes.

    R. side, original, is done summarily with a large chisel and large multiple toothed tool. The capital and entablature were roughly blocked out on the r. side. The back was done with a trimming hammer and large clawed tool.

    The thickness of the piece and the peculiar condition of the l. side leave open the possibility that this is a fragment of a large horizontal, rather than a small vertical, stele. A woman may have stood to the man’s l. The folds are rather summarily cut, in straight lines. The dating is most likely still in the 1st C. B.C.


    Large-grained grayish white local marble. Resistant reddish sintering.

    Broken on l. side and on top. Upper l. break and breaks on figure seem recent. The break runs across lower part of figure. The head, most of r. arm and abdomen, entire r. side below elbow, parts of upper l. leg, bits of l. shoulder, and l. hand are missing.

    Total P.H. 0.76. Treated portion: H. 0.70; W. 0.70; max. Th. 0.18; of figure 0.50; W. of pilaster top 0.06; H. of pilaster shaft 0.46. Figure D. from background 0.045.
    Cf. Fıratlı, Stèles, nos. 162, pl. XL, 163, pl. XXXIX. Date suggested by H. Möbius, letter of Sept. 10, 1972.
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