• r2-124-10
    Fragment of triton. (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)

    Triton'un Parçası

    1st C. AD, Roma
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Heykelin Türü
    Mitolojik Figür
    Bulunduğu Yeri
    Found S of Izmir-Salihli highway in a vineyard near Bldg. A.

    Lower part of a triton has a twisting tail set at an angle to the plinth. It curves in two directions and turns in on itself. Front of upper tail is covered with four rows of large overlapping leaf-like scales with slightly ridged surfaces. Inner side of back-lashing tail has two large creases representing folds created by the sharp bend of his back. Lower end of tail, just before the break, has four more scales, more rounded than the upper ones. Base is circular and plain.

    This might be a copy of a Hellenistic triton, part of a group from a nereid monument. Except for a channel at juncture of tail and plinth, surface shows little evidence of drill work. Extensive use of the chisel and abrasives. The model was Greek, but simplification of surface is undoubtedly due to copyist’s treatment. Probably early Imperial.


    Grayish white marble, medium crystals.

    Lower portion of monster, sliced off at both ends of curved body. Base, carved in one piece with monster, broken on two sides.

    H. 0.55; W. of monster at base 0.20; L at base 0.38; plinth: L. 0.45, W. 0.37, Th. 0.12-0.095.
    Cf. several tritons from a large group of sea creatures found in the nymphaeum of Laecanius Bassus at Ephesus, Bammer-Fleischer-Knibbe, Fuhrer Museum Selcuk-Ephesos, 47ff., inv. nos. 1576, 1578, 1579; R. Fleischer, Skulpturen aus dem Nymphaeum, 422ff., esp. fig. 2. For nereids and sea monsters on a sarcophagus, Cumont, Recherches, pl. 21:1. Cf. also E. Bielefeld, Nereiden, esp. pl. 41. For Hellenistic giants, see Bieber, Hellenistic Age, figs. 459ff. Cf. also S. Lattimore, Thiasos, esp. figs. 20, 24, 25.
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