• m14-638-10
    (Telif hakkı Sart Amerikan Hafriyat Heyeti / Harvard Üniversitesi)

    1st century BC–1st century AD? (letter shape)., Hellenistik veya Roma
    Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
    Mermer, Taş
    Eserin Türü
    Stel, Yazıt
    Yazıt Turu
    Ölüyle ilgili Yazıt
    Yazıt Dili
    Yazıt Metni
    		Ἄρτεμειν Μητροδώρου,
    		            γυναῖκα δὲ
    		Ἀττάλου τοῦ Νικάνδρου.
    Yazıt Çevirisi
    “Artemeis, daughter of Metrodoros, wife of Attalos, the son of Nikandros.”
    Yazıt Yorumu
    Sart Mustafa
    Bulunduğu Yeri
    Found in a house in Sart Mustafa.

    Block of white marble; preserved on all sides except for the upper portion which contained a relief of which the lower part of a recess with two feet is visible. Herrmann thinks that the block stood perhaps in front of a wall or was built into a wall; he does not exclude the possibility that surfaces of the stone were remodelled for second use.

    H. 0.42, W. 0.80, Th. 0.11–0.12, H. of letters 0.015–0.02.

    1 O. Masson, ZPE 66 (1986), pp. 126–30 (= OGS 2, pp. 543–47): “un nom de femme Ἄρτεμις, identique à celui de la divinité, a continué à vivre, avec la variante Ἄρτεμεις…, depuis le Ve ou IVe s. avant jusqu’au IVe ou Ve s. après” (p. 130 [p. 547]); cf. SEG 36, 1544; W. Blümel and H. Malay, EpAnat 21 (1993), pp. 135–36, on no. 7, 2, hesitate about Masson’s view; see also TAM V 3, 1764. Cf. Sardis VII 1, no. 3, 7: “Ἀρτεμῖς.”

    3 Νικάνδρου stands in a rasura.

    Ayrıca bakınız
    Bkz.: R2, No. 155.
    Unpublished. Herrmann, ms.