Unknown (“i BC,” LGPN; see l. 2 comm.)., Hellenistik veya Roma
Sardeis veya Müze Env. No.
Uninv. M14 No. 325
Mermer, Taş
Eserin Türü
Heykel, Yazıt
Yazıt Turu
Onurlandıran Yazıt
Yazıt Dili
Heykelin Türü
Yazıt Metni
		Ἐπὶ στεφανηφό[ρου τοῦ δεῖνος]
		τοῦ Ναθηους, μη(νὸς) [	          ]
		ἡ τρικωμία  -Μηλοκ[ωμῆται, ?]
	4	(?) Αριοκωμῆται, -Καιβο(?)[κωμῆται]-
		ἐτείμησαν Π. Ῥέγιο̣[ν Δη]-
		μητρίου υἱὸν Κορν[ηλία       ]
		ΝΗΜ̣[ . . . . ] ἀρχιερέα [	    ]
Yazıt Çevirisi
“When [ (name) ], son of Nathes, officiated as stephanephoros, in the month [- - -], the ‘three-villages-community,’ consisting of the inhabitants of Melok[ome, -(?)]ariokome, Kaibo(?)[kome], has honored P(ublius) Regiu[s], son of [De]metrios, Corn[elia (tribu) - - -] high-priest [- - -].”
Yazıt Yorumu
Bulunduğu Yeri
Northeast of Sardis (see the lemmata of nos. 321 and 674).

Stele of marble with pediment; broken in two parts, the left of which was copied by K. Buresch.


2 Ναθηους: the genitive of the indigenous name Ναθης (see no. 305, 40; Zgusta, Kleinas. Personennamen, p. 345, § 1009–1) appears in no. 305, 10 (44 BC) in the form Ναθειους. Körte compares similar forms (Πυθοκλήους and Μιθρήους); cf. IGSK 23 (Smyrna), nos. 521, 3 comm. and 101, 3 comm.; no. 627, 2: -]ικλήους. The authors of LGPN VA, p. 328, s.v. Νάθης, consider both persons attested in Sardis bearing the name Nathes could be the same man. - μη(νός): small H written above M.

3 τρικωμία: see Schuler, Ländliche Siedlungen, pp. 222–25, and p. 292, A 13. Another instance for Μηλοκωμῆται: Schuler, p. 294, A 64; see also TAM V 3, 1882, 5 comm.

3–4 The three different ethnics were separated from each other by short dashes. [Και-σ]αριοκωμῆται, Buresch; Ἀριοκωμῆται(?), Körte; [Δ]αριο(υ)κωμῆται, P. Foucart ap. IGRR referring to TAM V 2, 1335 and 1337. - Καιβο[κωμῆται?]: edd. Perhaps: καὶ Βο[- κωμῆται]?

5 Regius (ΡΕΓΙC[ ] the stone): see Solin and Salomies, Repertorium, p. 155. - Ῥέγιο̣[ν Δη]μητρίου: scripsi; Ῥέγιο̣[ν τοῦ Δη]μητρίου, Körte (Lafaye).

6–7 Κορν[ηλία]: Körte (“Inter Κορνηλίᾳ et ἀρχιερέα cognomen restituendum est”).

7 ΝΗΜ̣: or ΝΗΝ̣ - ἀρχιερέα: Probably a local high-priest; cf. Gabrielle Frija, Les prêtres des empereurs: le culte impérial civique dans la province romaine d’Asie (2012).

“An inscription [i.e., the present one]…may here be mentioned as probably Sardian,” Sardis VII 1, no. 108 comm.; “wohl dem Territorium des 18km entfernten Sardeis entstammend(e) Ehreninschrift einer τρικωμία,” P. Herrmann, Chiron 19 (1989), p. 138 n. 22.

Ayrıca bakınız
A. Körte, Inscriptiones Bureschianae (1902), pp. 5–6, no. 2 (G. Lafaye, IGRR IV 1367).